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Supplement Warehouse,
83 Dalston Lane

Great Muscles Don’t Come Easy

Posted On : Feb-08-2013 | seen (1703) times | Article Word Count : 521 |

After the long binge of the festive period, gym membership always takes a big boost in January as people get back to working out. However, if you just follow the lead of most people, you’re not really going to achieve anything.
After the long binge of the festive period, gym membership always takes a big boost in January as people get back to working out. However, if you just follow the lead of most people, you’re not really going to achieve anything. Instead, set yourself clear goals of what you want to achieve and don’t be scared of supplements like whey protein powder and creatine. So, if you’ve decided that you want to look great this summer, what do you need to do to achieve that?

Daily Routines

The first thing you need to do is work out your daily routine. It’s no good just working out when you feel like it, instead you should set yourself a routine with specified work out times and the sections of your body you’re going to be using and then allocate proper rest periods afterwards. The best idea is to split your body into three sections of opposing muscles and work on each group on alternate days. The most common groups are shoulders and chest, legs and back and arms and abdominals.

The Workout

Once you’ve worked this out, it’s important to make sure you have plenty of energy to convert into muscle mass. As well as eating well, you should look at using supplements too, such as whey protein powder and creatine. These two will give you the best results as you look to build that muscle mass. If you’re not so keen on your whey protein powder, you can find various different flavours, such as vanilla or chocolate whey protein: it’s better to eat and drink things that taste good after all.

The weights you should use should be right on the limit of what you can lift. You want to be able to complete between 3-8 sets of around 10 repetitions and then only just be able to complete it. It’s also good if you use multi-joint exercises such as deadlifts and squats as these work more muscles at once and allow you to work with heavier weights.

Rest and Relaxation

Often people forget the most important part of all workouts: the rest. It’s no good just continuously working on your muscles as if they get overworked they will not grow and you could even cause yourself damage. It’s also been proven that stress hinders muscle growth as it decreases your levels of testosterone and increases your levels of cortisol. So relax and try to take time off every now and again. It’s no good racing from the work place, gulping down a shake made from whey protein powder in a few seconds, jumping on the weights and then shooting off home. Instead you should plan out your day to allow time for everything, including just taking it easy. Combined with a good workout, you’ll give yourself the best chance of a great body by summer.

There are countless debates about supplements and whether or not they work. When it comes to the best results, whey protein powder and creatine supplements work well and are therefore recommended as part of every good workout.

Article Source : Muscles Don’t Come Easy_249859.aspx

Author Resource :
Chris Michaels is a frequent contributor for Supplement Warehouse and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding bodybuilding, supplements and equipment especially on such subjects as making the best of your whey protein powders and shakes.

Keywords : whey protein powder and creatine, Whey protein powder, whey protein shakes, Best whey protein, Protein powders,

Category : Recreation and Sports : Recreation and Sports

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