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Trewin Norman and Co,
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A Step-by-Step Guide on Making a Worker’s Compensation Claim

Posted On : Oct-29-2020 | seen (583) times | Article Word Count : 557 |

There are thousands of Australians injured at work every year, and they are entitled to receive compensation by making a claim. You will get a lot of information on making a worker’s compensation claim from employer, doctor, and insurer, which can leave you overwhelmed and confused.
There are thousands of Australians injured at work every year, and they are entitled to receive compensation by making a claim. You will get a lot of information on making a worker’s compensation claim from employer, doctor, and insurer, which can leave you overwhelmed and confused. Here, our personal injury and criminal injury lawyers in Perth have compiled a step-by-step guide that helps you in making a workers compensation claim.

Getting injured at work is stressful and can affect you in many ways. When you get injured at work, you have to deal with the negative impact of the injury on your health and well-being and take time off work to recover. It can be traumatic if you are the sole income provider to your household. But, the good news is that you can make a claim to get the compensation for the injury you’ve suffered at work. This compensation covers lost wages, medical expenses, rehabilitation services, legal cost, lump-sum compensation, and more.

The type of the claim and benefits of the claim may vary depending on the state you are living in, so it’s vital to talk to the right workers compensation lawyers in Perth to update yourself with the rules of your state or territory. Here are the most common steps involved in making a workers compensation claim.

Step #1

Report the Injury to the Employer

Australian law requires every employer to have an injury book or accident register in which you can enter the details of your workplace injury. If your employer doesn’t have one, give the details of your injury in a written format to the employer. Always ensure to keep a copy of this in your own records because if the employer claims that you haven’t notified them of the injury within 30 days of the accident, your claim may be rejected.

Step #2

Consult a Doctor for the Injury

One of the first steps to do if you have suffered a work-place illness or injury is to visit your doctor for treatment. Even if the issue is minor and doesn’t require a detailed treatment plan, you must consider seeing your doctor. Sometimes, the true extent of your injury will be revealed only after a particular time.

Step #3

Get a Certificate of Capacity

Get a certificate of capacity from your doctor, which details the injury you’ve suffered, diagnosis, and the capacity of your work.

Step #4

Request Workers Compensation Form

When you report a personal injury, your employer must provide you with a workers compensation form. If you aren’t provided with one, you can get a workers compensation form from your doctor or from your workers compensation lawyer or public liability lawyers in Perth.

Step #5

Fill and Submit the Claim

Fill in the compensation claim form, attach the certificate of capacity form, and submit the form to your employer. You must also keep a copy of the claim and certificate of capacity for your own records.

The workers compensation claim must be lodged within three months of the injury, but you can also get help from workers compensation lawyers in Perth if you have missed this timeframe.

Article Source : Step-by-Step Guide on Making a Worker’s Compensation Claim _325861.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article is one of the leading criminal injury lawyers in Perth with over a decade of experience in practising law. In this article, he explains the steps to apply a workers compensation claim. Visit for more information.

Keywords : criminal injury lawyers in Perth , workers compensation lawyers in Perth , public liability lawyers in Perth,

Category : Business : Business

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