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Basics of Giganews and Usenet Service

Posted On : Mar-31-2012 | seen (1040) times | Article Word Count : 445 |

Giganews is the world largest newsgroup provider at the fastest speeds. It provides service for individuals and internet service provider.
Giganews is the world largest newsgroup provider at the fastest speeds. It provides service for individuals and internet service provider. Giganews offers the most reliable service to its users for decades. It provides the best service to customers with more than 1331 days of binary newsgroup retention and 99%+ completion rates. Not to say, it offers highest service of metrics

What is Usenet?

It is one of the oldest networks available and it was conceived in 1979 and is available before the existence of World Wide Web (WWW). Usenet is a global network of service where anyone can freely post any information and it easily gets distributed across the globe. It makes completely easy for anyone to access any type of information quickly and easily through this service. Usenet enables the users to access any type of information same as other users living in any part of the world. Information available on Usenet is uncensored and it is not controlled by a single source.

During the initial days, Usenet was used by University students and professors, tech savvy people also accessed it from home. It was mainly used to transfer files and mail; in addition it was used as a platform to discuss different topics with various users across the globe.

Similar to forums and message boards, news group users started using pseudonyms and post articles which was accessible by anyone. Some news groups had moderators who ensured that all posts remain relevant and they also had the rights to remove inflammatory content. As technology developed, Usenet became a communication tool and it still remains to be the oldest networks.

Why Giganews is considered as the best news service?

Even though they are various news service and Giganews is considered as the best news service provider.


Giganews service is available almost any time with the support of servers and networks at multiple levels. It is easy to upgrade the Giganews without any downtime.


Usenet makes it easy for Giganews to be available 1331 days of binary group retention with 3201 days of text group retention.

High Speed

Giganews is the fastest service and every user can get the best out of their cable, fiber or from the wireless broadband connection. Moreover servers and routers are kept at a fraction of capacity to make sure that any increase in traffic does not slow service to customers.

Giganews has more than 109,000 newsgroups and more new news groups are regularly added into it. As of now Giganews is available in two different groups and they are binary and text news group.

Article Source : of Giganews and Usenet Service_171647.aspx

Author Resource :
Author has written various articles on Giganews which is one of the best news service providers.

Keywords : Giganews, giganews,

Category : Business : Business

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