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Controlling a Flying Pest - Pigeons

Posted On : May-08-2014 | seen (1436) times | Article Word Count : 487 |

Pigeons may be pretty to look at but they can create some real problems around your home. Not only can they actually damage your home, but they can also pose a health threat to everyone inside and outside your home.
Pigeons may be pretty to look at but they can create some real problems around your home. Not only can they actually damage your home, but they can also pose a health threat to everyone inside and outside your home.

What’s the Problem?

Pigeons may not seem like a huge issue, but if you have been in Phoenix long, you have to realize that there are thousands of them here, and an invasion of your home just is not something you can tolerate.

Pigeon droppings contain uric acid, and once it drops on the surface of your home, it can eat through the paint. Painted surfaces and awnings around your home are all at risk if the pigeons decide to live at your house. Once the droppings are dried, though, your worries aren’t over. Dried droppings can contain diseases that may be a serious risk to your health or that of your family. What’s more, though, is that pigeons carry fleas, ticks, mites, and even lice to your property every single time they arrive, making it more important than ever that you deal with them as soon as possible.

Pigeon Control Methods

There are several ways to control the pigeons around your home. You can use a deterrent method to making roosting near your home a fairly uncomfortable process. There are a couple of different ways to do this. In some cases, you’ll need to install wires at different heights. Bird spikes can usually accomplish the same goal.

The advantages of these methods is that they’re fairly easy to install and they’re eco-friendly because they have no lasting impact. They also typically don’t cause a lot of damage to your building. They’re far from perfect, though. It’s hard to control a large population with this method, and they may be ineffective if there are any gaps or holes in your overall defense.

You could also use pesticides to control pigeons, but like other methods of control, that comes with its own drawbacks. It’s possible to hurt other species while you’re trying to control the pigeons. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you could also endanger your own health or that of your family as you try to keep the pigeons out with this method. Finally, it’s a fairly limited method of dealing with these creatures, and it doesn’t always work.

Wondering what your best bet might be? Professional pest control services. They can come out and evaluate your problem. If it’s not too bad yet, they may have some suggestions that would help eliminate your current population. If it’s already grown to an enormous, overwhelming issue, they’ll also likely have the most effective removal means possible at their disposal.

Pigeons aren’t something you want to fight with around your home, but if you’re already dealing with that issue, contact a Phoenix exterminator today for additional help.

Article Source : a Flying Pest - Pigeons_297482.aspx

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Keywords : damage your home,,

Category : Home and Family : Gardening

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