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Easy Ways to Maintain Your Car Battery

Posted On : Apr-11-2022 | seen (233) times | Article Word Count : 543 |

If you’re not sure how to take care of your car battery, there are some simple things you can do to extend its life and ensure.
If you’re not sure how to take care of your car battery, there are some simple things you can do to extend its life and ensure it’s working at peak performance when you need it most. The tips below can help you get the most out of your car batteries Sydney and save yourself from being stranded in the middle of nowhere, or worse!

Lower Charging Rate

Some newer cars come with a smart charger that monitors your battery as it charges and is programmed to lower its charge rate if it senses that your battery is fully charged. Newer brands of batteries tend to be more fragile than older ones and so can benefit from slower charging. Keeping your car in optimal condition: By keeping your car well maintained, you can prolong its life span. Check fluids, belts, filters and other components before they break down (which they will eventually). Check tire pressure weekly.

Move into a Cooler Area

Extreme heat causes car batteries to die faster, so if you live in a warmer area, try moving your car into a garage or shadier spot. If that’s not possible, make sure you park your car on a shady street. If it’s still too hot, get it checked and consider having your battery replaced; failing to do so could lead to serious damage down the road.

Use it often

If you want your car battery Sydney to last, you’ll need to take good care of it. A lead-acid battery is designed for frequent use; as long as you drive your car occasionally, and keep it charged between trips, you’ll be fine. In fact, driving a few miles every week will charge a flat battery backup and extend its lifespan.

Turn off Accessories like A/C or Radio

Accessories like A/C and radio suck up energy from your battery. To keep your battery healthy, you can simply turn off these accessories when you’re not using them. Try it for a week, and you’ll be surprised at how much longer your car battery lasts.

Keep It Clean and Dry

You may not realise it, but water and electricity are natural enemies. If you let your battery get wet or covered in snow or salt, it could short out. Always be sure to keep your car batteries clean and dry, so moisture doesn’t damage them.

Add Distilled Water

One of the leading causes of car battery failure is due to overcharging, which can occur when your car sits in storage for long periods of time. To avoid overcharging, remove your battery from your vehicle, and let it sit on a wood or concrete surface. Add distilled water until it covers the plates inside by at least 1/4 inch (2 cm). Let it sit overnight. Next day add distilled water again, if needed.

Check Fluid Levels Regularly

Keeping your car battery well-maintained can extend its life by several years. Replacing your engine coolant every couple of years will help it last longer, too. These are great habits to get into even if you drive a much newer car—most cars need their coolant checked annually and replaced every three years or so.

Article Source : Ways to Maintain Your Car Battery_328928.aspx

Author Resource :
The author is a distributor of all car batteries in Sydney. Along with the team of professionals, he provides a range of car battery options. Visit for more details.

Keywords : car batteries Sydney, brands of batteries, car battery Sydney,

Category : Business : Business

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