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Ensuring Effective Energy management in Data Centers

Posted On : Sep-17-2010 | seen (877) times | Article Word Count : 527 |

Having a data center has in the recent past emerged as the most preferred trend by both small and big companies. It is obvious that the costs associated with the running of these centers vary in relation to their size, though they are not that low. The fact that data transmission needs to be kept constant regardless of external or internal factors demands that proper measures are instituted.
Having a data center has in the recent past emerged as the most preferred trend by both small and big companies. It is obvious that the costs associated with the running of these centers vary in relation to their size, though they are not that low. The fact that data transmission needs to be kept constant regardless of external or internal factors demands that proper measures are instituted. With technologies such as fiber optics in the offing, it has nowadays become important that redundant measures are employed in a bid to increase not only increase efficiency but also reliability.

With all that in mind, it is still important to note that data center energy management is of great significance to both the respective company and the environment. Dedicated internet services require that servers are stored in certain environments, though it is common to encounter some that are run and upgraded on a daily basis though they are unused. Research has shown that $21.4 billion is used annually on the management, repair, maintenance and energy for unused servers. Technological advancement has also rendered audio and visual factors effective ways through which data transmission is executed. They require power to sustain but worth noting is that there is a means through which energy can be managed in a data center and still have them functioning properly.

One of the ways through which data center energy management is achieved is through turning off unused equipment or better still decommissioning it. An important fact you need to bear in mind is that, an unused server often consumes three quarters of one that is active in full utilization. When offering dedicated internet services for instance, it is important to find solutions aimed at ensuring unused servers in your data center are not using up any energy.

Since modern types of data centers also back up the incorporation of the use of VOIP owing to the advent of cyber optics, virtualization is of great importance. The reason being that through virtualization a company is able to manage energy by choosing those servers that are not being utilized. Such information is critical in helping establish how well energy management solutions can be implemented. It is however demoralizing to note that recent surveys have placed about only 35% of servers as being virtualized, a revelation that clearly shows that you could be running a data center whose energy consumption is way above its requirement.

In as much as you would not want your data center to interfere with data transmission, it is important that you invest in equipment that has been fitted with energy efficiency structures. Research conducted has shown that you can save as much as 33% of the total energy being used by your data center through investing in fiber optics or other equipment designed to go into low power at night or even during weekends, when data transfer avenues such as audio and video streaming are not greatly in use. It is however important to evaluate the nature of your data center and its functions before making such a move.

Article Source : Effective Energy management in Data Centers_33494.aspx

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Mr. Sanjay Joshi is providing SEO Services to Optical Networks. Explore Data Center,TransmisiĆ³n de Datos and much more.

Keywords : Data center, Dedicated Internet, data transmission power, wireless Internet, Americatel, wireless Internet, Fiber Optics, Fiber Opti,

Category : Communications : Communications

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