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Fish Oil Benefits That You Need to Know

Posted On : Nov-18-2010 | seen (783) times | Article Word Count : 504 |

If you are a health-savvy individual you are not new to the incredible benefits of fish oil. Everyone is looking for a better lifestyle and relief from diseases and disorders that have become a fixture in many people’s lives.
If you are a health-savvy individual you are not new to the incredible benefits of fish oil. Everyone is looking for a better lifestyle and relief from diseases and disorders that have become a fixture in many people’s lives. Processed foods, unhealthy eating habits, and busy schedules completely destroy our body’s biological balance. More and more people are realizing the consequences of unhealthy eating from family members who are experiencing medical conditions and finding it difficult to keep up with the tedious daily medications they have to take. Finding a natural solution to these various health-related issues is, for some, a far more attractive solution. Fish oil is one such natural supplement with a plethora of potential health benefits that people are taking to improve their health.

The primary component of fish oil that has generated a buzz for years about its many health benefits is a type of fatty acid called Omega 3. There are different types of Omega 3 fatty acids. The ones that occur in higher quantities are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These two types are integral to many functions in the body. EPA and DHA are used by the brain and hence their inclusion in the diet can have a tremendous positive effect on a person’s health.

Here are some of the other major benefits of fish oil:

- Fish oil is believed to help reduce inflammation in conditions like arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. It has amazing anti-inflammatory properties.

- It is also known to decrease the level of triglycerides; this is a type of fat in the blood similar to cholesterol that is considered to be the main culprit in certain types of heart disease.

- It may also decrease blood pressure.

- It is believed to have beneficial effects on cognitive functions like memory. Children and adults both can benefit from taking fish oil supplements.

- It may help curb carbohydrate cravings.

- It may help improve the mood and combat depression.

- Recent studies show the benefits of fish oil in fighting gum disease. The EPA and DHA may possibly help reduce gum inflammation.

- Weight loss is another major benefit associated with the intake of fish oil supplements. The fatty acids in the fish oil binds to the PPAR’s (peroxisome proliferator activated receptors). This in turn enhances the metabolism and natural fat burning mechanisms.

- Fish oil is also believed to increase immunity and consequently enhance your defense mechanisms against various diseases.

Of course, you cannot solely rely upon fish oil benefits for all your wellness needs. A good and healthy balanced diet goes a long way in helping you fight all the dangerous health issues effectively and productively and helps you age gracefully looking and feeling younger each day. However, it goes without saying that, based on the many fish oil benefits listed in this article, it certainly makes sense to take a good fish oil supplement each day.

Article Source : Oil Benefits That You Need to Know_42239.aspx

Author Resource :
I searched high and low for the best fish oil supplement I could find… check out my Trivita reviews to find out more about my top pick at the Trivita vitamins information website.

Keywords : Trivita reviews, Trivita, reviews, Trivita vitamins,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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