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Foods You Can Eat to Maintain Healthy Smile!

Posted On : Dec-20-2017 | seen (739) times | Article Word Count : 442 |

You might think of: Brush twice a day, floss often, uses mouthwash…etc. all these things will be more than enough to maintain a healthy teeth.
You might think of: Brush twice a day, floss often, uses mouthwash…etc. all these things will be more than enough to maintain a healthy teeth. But isn’t? No, not at all! Nutrition plays a big role in maintaining your dazzling smile.

Without teeth, we can’t able to chew and also our smile looks more awkward! Just imagine, No more crunchy vegetables, spicy snacks and fresh fruits! No more peanuts! Not good, right? Read on to explore the list of tooth-friendly foods suggested by the Green Valley dentist.

Milk and Eggs

Dairy products like milk and egg yolks are excellent sources of calcium and vitamin D. Our body requires a dose of vitamin D to absorb calcium, which in turn strengthens bones, especially our teeth.

Cheese and Yogurt

Foods rich in calcium and phosphorus can protect your tooth enamel and even reduce the process of demineralization. Cheese is especially beneficial because it contains casein, a protein found in milk products that can shore up enamel.

Meat, Fish and Tofu

Fatty fishes, meat and tofu are filled with phosphorus and other important minerals that are vital to protect your tooth enamel.

Leafy Veggies

Bok Choy, broccoli and other dark leafy veggies are the best animal-free ways to get plenty of vitamins and minerals. And all these veggies are important to maintain your dental health.

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in the ingredient named “fluoride” which is considered possibly the most well-known tooth strengthener. So having a cup of green tea daily will reduce bacteria and toxic products of bacteria in the mouth which in turns strengthen your teeth.

List of Foods to Avoid Includes

- Citric Foods like Lime, Lemons, Grape Fruit and Orange
- Pickles
- Stained Foods like Coffee, Red Wine, Tomato Sauce, Soda, Candies etc

Key Takeaway

- Eat acidic or sugary foods. But make sure to brush your teeth after consuming acidic foods. Acid softens your enamel, and brushing can speed up tooth wear.
- Use fluoride toothpaste, which can help repair enamel and reduce the risk of tooth decay and erosion.
- While drinking stained drinks like coffee, red wine, soda etc. better to use straw. By doing this, you can stay away from stained and discoloured teeth.

The above given tips are suggested by the experienced dentist Green Valley. Follow all these tips and also make sure to fix your dental appointment regularly i.e. twice a year.

Stay Healthy & Keep Smiling!

Article Source : You Can Eat to Maintain Healthy Smile!_321145.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article is working as one of the experienced dentists Green Valley. And in this article, he speaks about the list of foods you need include in your diet plan to maintain your smile. For more details, visit

Keywords : Green Valley dentist, dentist Green Valley, dentists Green Valley,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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