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Hebrew Lessons Online vs Learning Hebrew in School

Posted On : Jan-21-2012 | seen (1114) times | Article Word Count : 510 |

Over 85 theological schools in America today offer courses in Hebrew, as well as approximately 20% of all colleges and universities. Some of these institutions even offer majors in Hebrew. For some people who are interested in immersing themselves in the Hebrew culture, attending one of these schools may be a great option for them. Hebrew Lessons Online however, may be the best option for those who simply wish to be reasonably proficient in another language other than English.
Over 85 theological schools in America today offer courses in Hebrew, as well as approximately 20% of all colleges and universities. Some of these institutions even offer majors in Hebrew. For some people who are interested in immersing themselves in the Hebrew culture, attending one of these schools may be a great option for them. Hebrew Lessons Online however, may be the best option for those who simply wish to be reasonably proficient in another language other than English.

Unless students are already attending one of these learning institutions and decide to take up a course or courses in Hebrew, it may not be the greatest of ideas for more “casual” students to pursue attending one of these schools.

There are always exceptions of course, but enrolling in a university or theological school for the express purpose of learning Hebrew can be very expensive. One has to be clearly aware of what one’s goals are. Clearly there are some advantages of attending a learning institution. Hebrew Lessons Online are more tailored to the language of Hebrew as perceived as a second language. Although culture enters into it to a certain degree, the primary focus of an online course is the language itself.

If the goal is to immerse oneself into the entire culture of Judaism along with the language of Hebrew, a theological school that allows non-Jewish as well as Jewish students to attend classes can be a great choice. The advantage here is actually seeing it up close and personal – something that is much harder to experience online. The student, by seeing, hearing and getting involved, learns Hebrew in context as opposed to merely learning the language.

Most people, however, will choose to learn a foreign language because either they are curious about the language, or they will be traveling to an area where knowing some of the language can be helpful. In addition, it’s always helpful when visiting a foreign country to know something about the language so that communication with the locals can be made easier.

As far as Israel is concerned, there are 33 different languages and dialects to deal with, Modern Hebrew being the most prevalent. So learning Hebrew would be advantageous before going on any trip to Israel.

So, if the motivation for learning Hebrew is traveling to Israel, or even just for casual interest, taking Hebrew Lessons Online may be the best choice for learning. This choice will be cheaper by far than physically attending a school, and can be done almost immediately (instead of waiting for a school course to open up). And Hebrew can be learned at one’s own pace.

But there are many lessons and not all people optimally learn the same way. Before choosing a Hebrew Lessons Online course, it is essential to do some research to determine the best course that suits the needs of the student. Many of these courses will require a “registration” before information and costs are revealed while others give at least some information up front.

Article Source : Lessons Online vs Learning Hebrew in School_137308.aspx

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Keywords : learn Hebrew Online, learning Hebrew Online, Online Hebrew, Hebrew lessons Online, Online Hebrew lessons, Online Hebrew cours,

Category : Reference and Education : Language

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