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How To Catch The Big Bull

Posted On : Oct-28-2011 | seen (1283) times | Article Word Count : 582 |

The article describes the way a hunter can go for a big kill – a trophy bull moose. It includes tips on where to find the prey, how to call it, what to wear and many more.
Hunting big bulls can be extremely challenging and fun. And it’s quite an art. Hunters spend years before they develop the keen sense and skill needed to hunt big moose bulls. Before you decide to take the big bull by the antlers, here are some moose hunting tips to help you on your hunt.

Where To Find The Prey

If you are hunting in the rut, try to hunt in the fringe areas, away from the crowded locations where most hunters search for their quarry. Stay far away from the hectic roads/traffic. Even the sounds of a car horn can scare these sensitive creatures and distract you while shooting. Hunting in higher elevations can help in the early seasons. In the rut/breeding season, try to hunt around the lakes or ponds.

Hunting in late season requires that you go deep inside the woods, away from the openings. Using a shoulder blade bone for raking trees can help. Try to find a moose around the food or water sources. Don’t setup a camp too close to a potential hunting spot. The noise/smells can cause the nearby moose to flee.

Finding The Biggest Bulls

While shooting even a small bull can be terribly exciting for first-timers and amateurs, but the real thrill of moose hunting is in nailing a big animal. The biggest bulls are found in areas that are remote and are usually hard to access. It is in these areas, where human interference is at a minimum, that moose have a chance to reach maturity, resulting in superior sized animals.

Also, the animals tend to be less wary of humans in these regions as they are not used to being hunted quite as frequently by humans. But, being tough terrains with little accessibility, these areas are usually scoured by professionals.

Calling Them In

The big idea here is to get those gorgeous moose to come as close to you as possible in order to harvest them. Logically, the closer the bull, the easier it is to kill. For this, you need to focus on one primary area: moose calls. Using an effective moose call is crucial. Learn the art of using the wind to your favor. And here’s a traditional, yet vital one among all moose hunting tips… learn the art of recognizing the new and old moose signs.

What To Wear

You need to wear something that makes little or no noise as you make your move. Also, you need clothes that won’t get stuck in the bushes and branches. Avoid loose and ill-fitting clothes that flap around your body. The best choice would be well-fitting clothes made of fleece/wool as moose are usually found in cold weather regions.

Lastly, if you spot a moose a while after darkness sets in, leave that area fast and make sure you come back early on the next morning. Your potential hunt, if not somehow spooked, is very much likely to be available in that area. The early morning will also be the best time to shoot the animal as you will have proper visibility resulting in a much better chance at killing your prey.

Keep in mind that sometimes, it takes several days to even spot a moose. So keep your patience and wits about you at all times. Bull moose hunting is as fascinating as it sounds to passionate hunters.

Article Source : To Catch The Big Bull_97394.aspx

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If you want to read more great moose hunting tips and read about the biggest moose ever shot, then visit

Keywords : moose hunting, moose hunting tips, biggest moose ever shot, trophy moose hunting,

Category : Recreation and Sports : Hunting

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