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Chris Pavlis has 60 Published Articles

Sentinel Security Group,
94 South Street

How to secure your Business Assets and Property

Posted On : Feb-20-2017 | seen (887) times | Article Word Count : 450 |

Hiring private security guards from a company to look after your business premises and property could be one of the toughest and most crucial decisions you have to take.
Hiring private security guards from a company to look after your business premises and property could be one of the toughest and most crucial decisions you have to take. With the steady rise of vandalism and other crimes in Australia, it is imperative that you make the right choice in selecting the best private company which can look after your commercial assets twenty four seven so that you can be at peace. The right security team will not only deter the chances of criminals laundering your property but will also ensure that you work in a safe environment.

Below listed are five questions you can ask yourself before you hire a private security company for your business.

Is the security guard company appropriately licensed?

All security companies in Sydney need to be appropriately licensed by the Australian Department of Public Safety. This certification ensures that the security guards on hire are trusted individuals who have undergone a careful screening and recruiting process before they have been appointed by the respective Company.

How long has the Company been in business?

With an experienced private security guards company, you will be rest assured that their employees are experienced and familiar with the types of vandalism in your area and have established acquaintance and contact with the local authorities in your area.

Are the security guards constantly monitored by the company?

Ideal security services in Sydney will ensure that their security guards on duty are frequently supervised. They are in constant touch and maintaining a clear communication system with their security personnel by implementing the use of GPS Tracking to monitor the guards on duty.

Are you looking to hire Armed or Unarmed security personnel?

Armed security guards at Sydney will be expensive and might burn a hole in your pocket to recruit them owing to the fact that the liability insurance the company pays for them is much higher. You can consider hiring armed security guards if your business deals in invaluable material and ensure that they are not only appropriately trained but are also licensed.

Is the cost of hiring security guards fitting in accordance with the services they are offering?

While it is imperative to find the best cost to service private security company for your business, it is also necessary to understand that you do not want to compromise on the quality of the services your receive. A security company which offers you cheap quotes might not have the necessary certification or hire untrained staff. It is always advisable to put experience before prices because when it comes to securing your business, you cannot negotiate with security.

Article Source : to secure your Business Assets and Property_320466.aspx

Author Resource :

The author of this article owns a reputed security services company in Sydney In this article, he narrates, on how to choose a perfect security services for your requirement. You can follow him on to know more.

Keywords : security companies in Sydney, security services in Sydney, security guards at Sydney,

Category : Business : Business

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