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Ideas are with many but seldom bear tenacity to cherish them from desire2will

Posted On : Jul-22-2011 | seen (1137) times | Article Word Count : 541 |

Ideas are with many but seldom bear tenacity to cherish them from desire2will
Most of us are packaged with a brain (mind) that is a package with almost common features stuffed within it… memory, concentration, imagination, emotion, creativity, leadership etc all find there respective place in any ordinary brain (mind). Depending upon our past traits and interests of this present life we allocate a portion of our awareness to any of a particular faculty of our brain. And the one (faculty of our mind) that gathers the maximum amount of our awareness develops the most we benefit on its account. Such faculty (faculty of our mind) with slightest motivation enables a being perform to the highest levels of excellence.

Similarly creativity is one among other faculties of our mind that brings to our closed box various new thoughts, concepts etc from the cosmic mind… cosmic mind is the resource of infinite knowledge. We all; knowingly or unknowingly are connected to it and day in day out our interaction with that resource renders us with several opportunities of exchange with that resource. But on account of our unawareness the opportunity that brings to us various inputs of creative piece of information become lost on one simple count that we do not pay it an equitable amount of our awareness.

Does it not happen with most of us that a simple idea generates into our mind an idea in light of a particular kind of necessity around ourselves and we say to ourselves that someone should be into service of this kind and whosoever shall come into it shall certainly make good amount of money. We say that and it is over with that particular piece of cosmic dewdrop that landed into our brain into the form of a creative input.

Now the same creative input from the cosmic transmission shall be received by many more around this globe but there shall be those rarest ones that shall attribute the same with the deserving portion of their awareness and bring that idea onto the table of actual manifestation. Each one of us keep experiencing the above mentioned phenomena and also realize its worth at a moment when we actually come across the information that establishes that someone some where in the world took a serious note of that creative input and has now presented this world with its actual manifestation if the form of a venture… and is also making good amount of money.

Is the mobile ring tone business running into count of billion dollars not the one that must have been brushed aside by several brains that heard the cosmic transmission at its initial stage. The most important point of learning here is that all motivation apart unless one is aware upon pieces of creative input that percolate into our limited box from the cosmic domain if are attributed with their due deserving amount of attention (awareness) then it is for sure that we can also become a living example of innovation to the world around.

Next time when you observe a creative piece of input within please do not just let it go … draw a piece of some will and see that you do justice with the idea that chose you as its initial incumbent.

Article Source : are with many but seldom bear tenacity to cherish them from desire2will_68197.aspx

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Keywords : motivation, motivation articles, motivationl leadership,

Category : Self Improvement : Leadership

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