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Life after GCE Advance Levels

Posted On : Apr-12-2011 | seen (1264) times | Article Word Count : 457 |

After two years of rigorous studies, junior college life has finally ended. While two years did not seem that long, they were probably the most memorable period for students.
After two years of rigorous studies, junior college life has finally ended. While two years did not seem that long, they were probably the most memorable period for students. In this short span of time, we learnt to think, learn and work like adults. In retrospect, our goal wasn’t just the final Advanced Level examinations, but also to make new friends who share the same passion and zeal for education. As we strived for that ultimate goal, we went through tough times of failure. It wasn’t like anything we experienced before. Despite the initial demoralization of obtaining poor grades, we persevered and tried to stay afloat in the sea of mind-boggling assignments and common tests.

As we moved on, we got accustomed to the daily routine of revision. Of course, there were other moments during our extra-curricular hours, when we hung out with people who shared the same hobbies during our Co-Curricular Activities (CCA). After which, we might have spent some time at extra lessons, lectures and even tuition classes, such as Maths tuition and Physics tuition, to give ourselves more practice and edge over our peers. However, as the examinations drew near, we realized we were no longer competing with others, but with ourselves. The various applications and formulae revised in Maths tuition, Physics tuition, Chemistry tuition and more had to be put into proper use. It all depended on us at that spur of the moment.

Now that the major fear has finally been overcome, there is a general sense of loss and confusion over the path that lies ahead. As we take a step into adulthood, we ponder over the study and career choices available for us in the world out there. However, what we have learned in college life are life-long lessons. Communication and presentation skills in Project Work are just some examples. Even the knowledge acquired from various subjects continues to serve as a stepping stone for our future decisions in university and work life.

During the six month-long break, we were given the time to contemplate and pave our future roads. Do we want it to be a rocky or smooth-sailing? Many would probably choose the latter, often neglecting the opportunity cost that may entail. For instance, we may get a course and career we desire, at the expense of time spent with our family and friends. Will we necessarily be happy then? Therefore, it is important to understand that besides prioritizing our education and career after the A Levels, we should also learn to cherish time we have with our loved ones and not forsake them. Achieving a balance between these two will truly make us a happier person for years to come.

Article Source : after GCE Advance Levels_58938.aspx

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AnthonyTuition is specializing in small group Maths Tuition and Physics Tuition in Singapore

Keywords : Maths Tuition, Physics Tuition,

Category : Self Improvement : Goal Setting

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