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Moulding The Child Through His Environment

Posted On : Apr-30-2010 | seen (1245) times | Article Word Count : 434 |

The environment of a child plays a vital role in his growth and development. A harmonious, loving and accepting environment basically play an important role in the psychological well being of a child.
The environment of a child plays a vital role in his growth and development. A harmonious, loving and accepting environment basically play an important role in the psychological well being of a child. On the other hand, safety around the house or day care centres should be given great emphasis as well. As parents or child care providers, we should provide the child of a place where he can grow and learn where he finds comfort, love and care. It's where they can see, touch, explore and experience the world around them, so their minds and bodies develop properly.

The inherited personality of a child is greatly influenced by the environment in which he lives. The child’s genetic inheritance interacts with and is shaped by the environmental factors operating in his world. Thus, results in the moulding of self-image or the personality of the child. Self-image, of course is responsible for directing further development and behaviour of the child. Take for instance a child, who is rejected and mistreated by their care providers, they are more likely to develop inferiority, low self-esteem or worse, antisocial behaviours.

The parent or care providers are the ones responsible for teaching the child of values and good conducts. Once the child is old enough to talk and understand right from wrong is when you should start teaching them and working on building self-esteem. In this world today a child is never too young to learn the truth about the world. If we do not teach them before someone else does they my end up being mislead.

What kind of environment should we provide our children?

• Provide the child a trusting environment. Trust is one of the factors that greatly affect the child’s physiological and psychological well-being. When a child develops trust in his environment (significant people around him), it’s easier for him to express his needs and feelings.

• Provide the child a happy environment. Since kids are so-into-plays, the care providers should see to it that every moment in the child’s life should be enjoyable and worth-remembering. A child with a happy environment will probably grow up as a person with a positive outlook in life, optimistic and full of hope.

• Provide the child loving environment. Sense of acceptance and belongingness is one of the greatest things that affect a child’s personality development. A child who felt loved and accepted is a person who will develop values in life that will lead him to great success in the future. Out of love, everything else follows.

Article Source : The Child Through His Environment_17549.aspx

Author Resource :
Glenda Tisdale is an author on subjects pertaining to children and childcare. Being a mother herself, her advices on child care are very practical. If you are looking for a day care centre for your kids, visit Creches.

Keywords : Child Care, Child’s environment,

Category : Home and Family : Babies

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