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Pregnancy Signs

Posted On : Dec-26-2009 | seen (1573) times | Article Word Count : 563 |

Just like no two human beings are alike, no pregnancy is the same. Hence every pregnancy has its own set of signs and emotions. You cannot ask a friend who has children what she felt like and expect the same to happen to you. You need to check for any of the following Pregnancy signs.
Just like no two human beings are alike, no pregnancy is the same. Hence every pregnancy has its own set of signs and emotions. You cannot ask a friend who has children what she felt like and expect the same to happen to you. You need to check for any of the following Pregnancy signs.

Missed Period

Although this is a very common sign for pregnancy, it is also a common occurrence in normal women. Due to long working hours and stress, many women miss their period and think of it as nothing unusual. If you have been having unprotected sex and missed a period, you need to do a pregnancy test.

Feeling Pregnant

An emotion sometimes talks to us. And many women get the feeling that they are pregnant. No real signs but just a voice in the head or a strong feeling that there is something happening within me.

Breast Tenderness

Sudden feeling of your breast being sore or tender. When you are putting on your clothes or when an arm brushes against your breast, there is a sudden pain that surprises you. It’s all of a sudden and where did it come from, you wonder. When it lasts for more than a few days, this is for sure one of the pregnancy signs.


Your daily walk in the garden or to office seems to be getting tiring. You wonder why you feeling exhausted after climbing two floors or even if you are not doing anything, you are still tired. Well your body is just telling you, that you are pregnant and you need loads of rest for the coming months. This further adds to the pregnancy signs now.

Frequent Urination

Although this comes along in the later stages of pregnancy because the swelling of the uterus that causes pressure on the bladder, for some it may happen at the beginning. You feel like you need to urinate, even though it’s nothing more than a feeling.

Nausea / Morning Sickness

You wake up feeling like you ate something bad for dinner or you feel sick like your ill. But neither is true. Your body temperature is slightly high but you don’t have a temperature. These symptoms are all common when you are pregnant. For some nausea and morning sickness remain right through pregnancy, while for others it stops after three months.

Heartburn / Constipation

For some there is a burn in the center of the heart leading them to the hospital directly for medication. While some get constipated and feel sick. This is not because of any food intake but only a way your body is responding to the fertilized egg.

Food Cravings

Other pregnancy signs include cravings for food. It is a well know aspect that certain food cravings occur when a woman is pregnant. That burger seems tastier and a craving to eat it every day emerges from nowhere. On the other hand, the scent of garlic has turned into a stink and you cannot just handle it. So no more garlic in your food or you are going to puke.

All these are pregnancy signs only and if you are also feeling the similar way, then you need to celebrate the new arrival in your family.

Article Source : Signs_7685.aspx

Author Resource :
An awareness regarding the early pregnancy signs can help you confirm or rule out pregnancy. Visit the provided link to know more about the signs of pregnancy.

Keywords : Early Pregnancy Signs, Pregnancy Signs, Pregnancy Symptoms, Pregnancy Treatment,

Category : Home and Family : Pregnancy

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