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Philip Fall has 40 Published Articles

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Beeston Animal Health Ltd.,
Whitchurch Road, Beeston Castle

Reduce Risks of Infestation from Fleas with Frontline for Dogs

Posted On : Aug-31-2012 | seen (1266) times | Article Word Count : 469 |

Even if you cannot see fleas it does not mean your pets are not affected by these nasty bloodsucking parasites.
Even if you cannot see fleas it does not mean your pets are not affected by these nasty bloodsucking parasites. Fleas are incredibly common and it is almost impossible to prevent your pets from coming into contact with them. Fortunately you can reduce the risks of infestation from fleas with leading products like Frontline for dogs.

Why Treat Fleas?

One of the main problems with fleas and other blood sucking parasites is that they are prolific breeders. This means that these parasites can quickly breed and increase in numbers until they cause an infestation. If large numbers of fleas are present in your home then they can cause misery for both you and your pets.

Fleas do bite humans and some people can react badly to the flea’s saliva. This causes sore, inflamed bites that can become infected. Fleas also carry some nasty diseases and other parasitic eggs so it is best to try and avoid getting bitten and use these products to kill fleas before they can breed.

There are a number of health risks associated with fleas for pets including:

- Excessive Grooming – fleas can be very irritating to pets and can cause excessive grooming. This leads to hair loss and sore, inflamed skin.

- Flea Allergic Dermatitis (FAD) – pets can be allergic to flea bites and this can cause extensive skin problems that can be very unpleasant for the sufferer.

- Tapeworm Infestation – fleas can carry microscopic tapeworm eggs in their saliva. This can infect pets and cause tapeworm infestations which can be damaging to health.

- Rickettsiosis – this unpleasant bacterial condition can also be transmitted by fleas and tick through their saliva. This can affect humans as well as pets so preventing these parasites in the home is very important for overall health.

How to Treat Fleas

It is easy to find the treatments you need to kill and prevent fleas online these days. At just the click of a button you can find a wide number of reputable suppliers offering leading brands like Frontline for dogs. Frontline has been around for many years now and has an excellent reputation in the pet health industry.

By choosing these reputable brands you can be sure you are getting the most for your money. Buying cheap flea treatments can be a false economy. In many cases these treatments will not work the first time and you will end up using more to get rid of fleas. With spot on flea treatments you can treat fleas in just one application and see fast effects for your pets. This is also much less stressful for your pets as you will only have to apply Frontline for dogs three or four times a year.

Article Source : Risks of Infestation from Fleas with Frontline for Dogs_224590.aspx

Author Resource :
You can reduce the risks of infestation from fleas with Frontline for dogs. This fast-acting product can provide effective treatment against fleas and help to keep your pets happy and healthy.

Keywords : Cat Flea Treatment, Eliminall Flea Treatment, Flevox Flea Treatment, Eliminall Tick Remover, Frontline Cats, Frontline for Ca,

Category : Home and Family : Pets

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