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Dr Paulo Pinho has 133 Published Articles

Dr Paulo Pinho,
Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street

Restore Your Smile after Dental Implant Recovery

Posted On : Nov-23-2016 | seen (978) times | Article Word Count : 465 |

Recovering from dental implant after surgery is a multi-stage process. You can make huge difference in your healing process procedure by maintaining good oral hygiene and healthy diet.
Recovering from dental implant after surgery is a multi-stage process. You can make huge difference in your healing process procedure by maintaining good oral hygiene and healthy diet. In many cases, improper care not only slows down the healing process but also result in the loss of implant. Here are a few tips to help you in recovering from the surgery that you undergone teeth implant in Sydney to avoid further infection…

Don’t Disturb the Implant Area

Do not keep fingers and tongues on the wound site to avoid bleeding, irritation and loose stitches.

Get Some Rest

Healing process takes a lot of energy. Your body needs rest, whenever you have a medical problem. Plenty of sleep will allow your body to spend most of its energy on healing

Practice oral hygiene

Rinse your mouth gently with an antiseptic mouthwash or a mixture of lukewarm water and salt after meals. Continue this process three times a day for the first week.

Avoid smoking & Alcohol

Smoking and intake of alcohol introduces the bacteria into your mouth which can cause many complications like irritation, swelling and etc. It also slows down the healing process and increases the chance of infection in your healing tissue; this may surely result in loss of implant. So say No to smoking and alcohol.

Follow your prescribed medication

Make sure to take full quantity of antibiotics that your doctor prescribed for dental implants in Sydney. If you stop taking antibiotics early, it may cause more risk of infection from bacteria that survived on the first few doses.

Limit tough movement

Avoid strenuous activity as much as possible, although it doesn’t seem that physical activity could impact your new implant. Some activities may increase bleeding around the implant and can cause inflammation in the surrounding gums.

Soft nutritious food

Avoid chewing for the first few days after your surgery. Chewing chewy foods can damage your healing tissue and increases your risk of infection. Eat soft foods that give necessary vital nutrients to your body for healing the dental injury. High protein food and vitamin C food can speed up the healing process. Consuming excess amount of water can also help your body to stay hydrate and promote blood flow which in turn increases the chance of healing

Regular Cleaning

Clean your teeth as usual but do not brush the area where the implant has done at least for the first three days. After 3 days, clean gently with a soft bristle toothbrush dipped in hot water to make it soften. To maintain cleanliness, use a strong antiseptic mouthwash.

Follow these above steps to have a safe and early recovery after the dental implant surgery.

Article Source : Your Smile after Dental Implant Recovery_320294.aspx

Author Resource :

The author of this article is working as a dental implant surgeon in Sydney. He offers valuable information to his patients about the tips and procedures to follow immediately after getting a dental implant surgery in Sydney or wisdom teeth removal. Visit for more information

Keywords : teeth implant in Sydney, dental implants in Sydney, dental implant surgeon in Sydney, dental implant surgery in Sydney,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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