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Running with Nike, the best you can find!

Posted On : Aug-10-2011 | seen (1107) times | Article Word Count : 476 |

Not all the people know Nike, but Nike has the most sports fans in the world. I can say that without any exaggeration.
Running with Nike, the best you can find!

Not all the people know Nike, but Nike has the most sports fans in the world. I can say that without any exaggeration.
Someone will ask me: Have you done any survey about that? No. But I trust this kind of saying. When I was a child, my mother bought me a pair of Nike shoes. I was non sense about the brand name. Time flies! My mother always bought Nike shoes for me. I recognized that this is a good brand otherwise my mother wouldn't buy this brand. Of course, it is not related to my mother, but related to my mother's characteristics. She is a fastidious woman. She wants everything to be perfect. So I trust her that she has chosen the best sports shoes for me in the world.
The motto of Nike also has features! Just do it! Not all the people have confidence to do what they want to do. I was very timid before 14 years old. My mother worried about this because the competition in this world is so cruel. How do I live in this world? So I have to be strong. But nothing has changed me until I joined a race competition. My mother bought a pair of running shoes before I ran the game to encourage me to face the challenge. I was a little fat at that time. I couldn't run faster than any other student in our class. But I had to run because I lost myself in a game with my friends and I promised her to run in the race.
But I didn't want to run in front of the public because I thought that I was fat and it was ashamed if I ran in front of all the students. My mother wanted me to run. She thought that it was a good chance to change my attitude to everything. So she sent me a pair of Nike shoes. She told me that the spirit of Nike is to face everything but not avoid.
Before I ran, I looked at my shoes and thought about my mother's words. Who said that fat girl couldn't run first in the race? Who said that fat girl couldn't be beautiful when running? So I ran. Although I didn't get a good rank but my teacher looked highly on me from then on. And I was more and more confident.
Last week my mother sent me a pair of Nike shoes. I love them!
Just as the Nike says: Just do it! So just do it. Don't be afraid. Running with Nike, you will find something best behind the ending line.
In a word ,if you are interested in it, please visit our online shop Best and wholesale nike shoes for you.

Article Source : with Nike, the best you can find!_72846.aspx

Author Resource :
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Category : Communications : Satellite Radio

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