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Henry Ofodieze has 6 Published Articles

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Switch to a Smart Lifestyle - Easybulb – iPhone Controlled Lights

Posted On : Mar-30-2013 | seen (874) times | Article Word Count : 397 |

Today’s technology has surely elevated our life and made it easier to an extent that we can change the color of our room or office in a wireless way.
Today’s technology has surely elevated our life and made it easier to an extent that we can change the color of our room or office in a wireless way. It’s like painting your own room with the help of smart phone controlled LED light bulbs. We might want our living room to be of a light yellow color and want our office to be of a bright white colour or we want to change the lighting system while the meeting is on, in a remote way, iphone or android phone controlled LED light bulb has made it possible now.

25 years of life and an easy installation process makes smart phone controlled LED light bulbs lie an Easybulb all the more alluring. An innovative concept where the lighting system of LED bulbs is being controlled by just by an app in your iphone is a must have product now. This is the first dimmable networked light bulb that lights up the entire house or an office in a wireless manner. It eliminates the need for any extra switches all over the walls and therefore leaves that space for more creative art.

This concept is so startling in nature that despite of providing an option of brightening up the light as much as you want; it uses the least amount of energy and lets you save a lot of money. You might consider about how much time it takes to get installed; the most amazing fact is that smart phone controlled lights take just few seconds to get started and all you need is the connection of Wi-Fi. Your smart phone is the main remote controller which will not just switch on/off a bulb for a particular room but for the entire house, commercial area or office in just one go. iphone controlled lights are eco friendly in nature and just one step in the direction of future home automation. It even gives you the fantastic flexibility of slowly increasing the brightness of the room while waking up in the morning. Whether you are in the washroom or kitchen, switch off the lights of other rooms from wherever you are.

In addition, one more commendable feature of an Easybulb is it comes with unique memory function, which ensures that the previous mode resumes, when you turn it on again. We can’t ask for more!

Article Source : to a Smart Lifestyle - Easybulb – iPhone Controlled Lights_258484.aspx

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Get iphone controlled lights like Easybulb and switch to a smart lifestyle that saves money and time considerably.

Keywords : iphone controlled lights, phone controlled ligh, smartphone light, remote control lights,

Category : Business : Business

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