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The Dangerous Myths About the Sun You Need to Know

Posted On : Sep-25-2013 | seen (1058) times | Article Word Count : 469 |

We think we know what it takes to stay safe in the sun. It seems pretty easy on the surface – when we go outside, sunscreen is applied perhaps we do not go out during the hottest part of the day or limit our exposure during that time.
We think we know what it takes to stay safe in the sun. It seems pretty easy on the surface – when we go outside, sunscreen is applied perhaps we do not go out during the hottest part of the day or limit our exposure during that time. We are particularly aware of areas that make the sun more dangerous, such as being in a pool or on a lake. But in some instances, what we think we know can actually be hurting us. The following are a few myths that deserve to be exposed:

Myth 1: I do not need any sunscreen, I already have a tan. The truth is, all a tan provides is color – and the false security of thinking you are protected from the sun. The sun can continue to do further damage to your skin. In fact, having a tan (or freckling) can simply make discovering skin abnormalities a bit more difficult to find.

Myth 2: It is cloudy outside, so I do not need sunscreen. A whopping 80% of the sun’s harmful UV rays can still penetrate cloud cover. Cloudy days may seem safe, but if you work outside without sun protection, you’re taking a huge risk.

Myth 3: I put sunscreen on this morning; I will be fine for the rest of the day. Not applying sunscreen often enough is a frequent cause of sunburn and other sun damage. Once is simply not enough, depending on length of time in the sun. Apply sunscreen more often to avoid harmful overexposure. A general rule of thumb is 2 hours after first application. If you have been sweating, be sure to reapply; consider that situation the same as having been in the water and having your sunscreen wash off gradually.

Myth 4: I just put my sunscreen on; I can go directly outside. Not applying it 15 – 30 minutes before being outdoors is another cause of sunburn. Fortunately, if you use Industrial Strength Sunscreen formulated with zinc oxide, you do not have to worry about this step. Zinc Oxide allows you to go directly outside and begin your work without the need to wait for regular sunscreen to saturate your skin.

Myth 5: Outdoor workers can use regular sunscreens off the shelf. If you are going to the beach, that might be fine. But outdoor workers have a special set of needs to consider when choosing a sunscreen. They tend to be exposed to the sun for longer periods of time and often during the hottest part of the day. They are exposed to the sun’s rays whether it’s sunny or cloudy. Off the shelf sunscreens just cannot be as effective for the needs of the average worker. Industrial Strength Sunscreen provides better and faster protection.

Article Source : Dangerous Myths About the Sun You Need to Know_280350.aspx

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Keywords : Industrial Sunscreen, prevent sunburn, skin abnormalities, sunscreen for workers, sunscreen protection, zinc oxide, Industria,

Category : Business : Business

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