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The Ideal Office Gift

Posted On : Feb-23-2009 | seen (1377) times | Article Word Count : 636 |

Most of the times, we lost ideas of what to give to our co-workers whenever there is an occasion. Moreover, we are more constrained with company policies and work ethics when it comes to gift-giving on the office. This article shares some insight on how office gift-giving be a breeze through flowers.
Gift giving in the Philippines can be a little tricky because it’s common for Filipinos to grow attached to the people they deal with on a daily basis. The longer a person stays with a company, the more coworkers become like family. Still, it’s always advisable to keep it professional when giving gifts in a corporate setting.

Try to get a feel of what people expect before buying gifts. Common sense is a must and move away from gifts that may be offensive. The first thing you should consider is the particular culture of your workplace. If you’re new, ask your new colleagues about office policies on gift-giving.

That’s why flowers make for a great default present. Not too formal but still quite personal, flowers are universal gifts that business associates will easily appreciate. Plus, there’s the convenience of having it delivered right to their desks. Here are some occasions and situations when flowers are the way to go.

1. Thank You for a Job Well Done

If you’re a boss and you want to give flowers to someone who works under you, like your indispensable assistant, make sure the arrangement won’t be misconstrued as romantic. No long-stemmed bouquet of red roses. Choose something friendly like yellow or orange flowers.

2. Congratulations

The success of a colleague is reason for celebration, especially if he/she is one that’s been a good ally in climbing the corporate ladder. It’s also a courteous way to honor someone you have a competitive rivalry with. Attach a simple and sincere note stating your best wishes.

3. The Boss’s Birthday

This works especially well if your boss is a woman. But make it a tasteful gift, nothing too ostentatious that you’re labeled a suck up after. Also, think of making it a shared gift among the other members of your team.

4. Valentine’s Day for Your Single Friends

When you’re single, Valentines day becomes a day filled with dread. Every bouquet that arrives is reminder of your lonely state. Overcome the glum by buying your other single friends a single rose. They’ll totally feel the love and you’ll feel the love giving it. This is the biggest flower giving event in the Philippines so the more the merrier!

5. A Milestone Moment

There’s nothing like the scent of flowers to mark a colleague’s 20th year in the business or even his 50th birthday. In the Philippines where showing your affections is so important, having flowers on his/her table for a week will extend the happy festive atmosphere.

6. A Sick Officemate

A sick colleague, who has been in the hospital for a more than a month, will appreciate receiving flowers. It shows that his/her company is missed at the office and that your thoughts are with him/her in this difficult period. An added bonus is that if you’re not one to visit hospitals, you can get it delivered to her room.

7. When a Colleague Loses a Loved One

The Philippines is filled with traditions for the loss of a loved one. Give your condolences as soon as possible. If you are close, consider attending the wake or the funeral service. It will provide unbelievable comforting to those in mourning. A funeral wreath or bouquet will brighten up the gloomy atmosphere of a wake.

8. Client Greetings

Send flowers to your best clients. Pair the flowers with a small item like tickets to a play or a ballet. However, do check whether your clients have rules on receiving gifts to save you the trouble. Sending a birthday greeting or flowers on other special occasions is the perfect way to show clients that you want to foster a relationship with them without trying too hard.

Article Source : Ideal Office Gift_56.aspx

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This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose - Flower Shop Philippines. We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. Through Island Rose, you can send Gifts to Philippines or simply browse through our blog for more informative articles.

Keywords : Flowers, Philippines, Flower, Philippines, Florist, Rose, Florists, Roses, Gifts,

Category : Home and Family : Gardening

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