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The Natural Way to Sell

Posted On : Apr-08-2009 | seen (1195) times | Article Word Count : 520 |

Aristotle says excellence is a habit and like any other skill, can be learned and acquired naturally. Selling is also an art and like any art, it requires practice and more practice.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” - Aristotle

Aristotle says excellence is a habit and like any other skill, can be learned and acquired naturally.

Selling is also an art and like any art, it requires practice and more practice.

Today we discuss some basic sales skills.

Know Your Customer

The number one valuable lesson any sales person can learn is to understand who their customers are and what they are looking for.

Learn how to listen to customers, because customers will define your market for you. Often you learn more from listening to the questions they ask.

You will find out how you need to sell, what your product is and how best to approach that market. Effective sales skills teach us to interact with new people without being fearful and shy.

Carrying on a good conversation and keeping the attention of your prospect are important skills for sales people.

Communicating effectively, as well as listening and retaining what you have heard, are vital tools for selling.

Develop a Positive Attitude

Your attitude to your job says everything about your belief system. If your own attitude towards life is doubtful and shaky no one will be influenced by your words.

If we maintain a winning attitude towards life and all its problems we can use this attitude to make sales. Carry an attitude of a winner.

Our words can mislead but our body language and eyes cannot lie. People are smart and they can have a sense of how we feel about who we are and what we think of ourselves.

When we are sure of ourselves we are focused and positive about everything in life. This attitude sells.

Be Natural

Being natural is being you and when you are yourself, you are telling the truth with belief in what you say.

People can tell in an instance when you are yourself and speaking the truth. This understanding is often subliminal in people.

Anything else can make your prospects uncomfortable – the distance between this discomfort and the prospect declining the sales offer is a very short one!

So the natural way is the best way to be - genuine and true. Honesty, after all, is the best policy.

Develop Empathy

This means not only to be honest and be genuine, but understand how your customer truly feels.

How would this customer feel when they go home with your product? Would they feel elated or would they suffer from what is termed ‘post purchase anxiety’?

Your innate skill in understanding somebody else's perspective and feelings will help you to find leverage and to make that sale. Learn to use this empathy when selling.

A good salesperson not only knows the value of what they offer, but they can win their customer’s trust, so they and their friends come back again and again.

Article Source : Natural Way to Sell_361.aspx

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Keywords : interactive marketing, multinational conglomerate, numismatic retailer, network marketing, independent business, retail sales,

Category : Self Improvement : Self Improvement

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