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The Symptoms of Diabetes

Posted On : Nov-12-2009 | seen (1722) times | Article Word Count : 592 |

Diagnosing diabetes symptoms can be difficult in identifying at first, as manifestation of the disease is gradual and seems so harmless. Sometimes, because the symptoms of diabetes can also be common to other illnesses, the real illness may be overlooked. Diabetes symptoms may vary, the list may go on and on but not everybody (diabetes patients) has them. There are even some cases that no symptoms may show on some patients.
Diagnosing diabetes symptoms can be difficult in identifying at first, as manifestation of the disease is gradual and seems so harmless. Sometimes, because the symptoms of diabetes can also be common to other illnesses, the real illness may be overlooked. Diabetes symptoms may vary, the list may go on and on but not everybody (diabetes patients) has them. There are even some cases that no symptoms may show on some patients.

Diabetes occurs when the body's ability to react to insulin gets affected. The insulin is your body hormone that allows your blood sugar (glucose) to enter body cells. When too much glucose enters the blood, this leads to the elevated amount of blood glucose, which it can cause glucose spillage towards the urine. This is the primary reason why one of the most classic diabetes symptoms, frequent urination, plagues the patient.

Most People exhibit few or no noticeable symptoms of diabetes, and tend to be shocked when high sugar is detected in routine blood or urine tests.

In most people who develop diabetes two typical symptoms are present-frequent need to urinate and increased thirst.

Frequent Urination
A patient of diabetes passes large quantities of urine several times a day. There is a frequent urge at night to empty the bladder. When glucose cannot enter the body cells, it accumulates in the blood and starts appearing in the urine. Diabetics are prone to excessive urination because the glucose in the urine draws water with in than is normal.

Increased Thirst
The loss of water from excessive urination generates excessive thirst. A patient of diabetes frequently fells thirsty and drinks larges quantities of water at short intervals.

Extreme Hunger
Diabetics tend to feel hungry most of the time and eat large meals. They eat and too much, but despite this, they continue to experience hunger pangs.

Loss of Weight
Continual loss of weight despite the intake of frequent and large meals is another symptom of the diabetes. The body is starved of energy, as glucose cannot enter the cells. In a desperate effort to get energy, the starved cells use up fat and protein. This causes loss of weight.

Weakness and Fatigue
Diabetics fatigue quickly even after little exertion. They also feel out of breath easily. The sugar in the blood does not get into the cells where it is converted into energy. This lowers the stamina and resistance levels.

Inertia and lethargy are also seen in people suffering from diabetes. They avoid doing work and are often feel rundown. Not only there body bit also their moods show a state of depression.

As those mentioned symptoms might occur at a later time for a patient, the usual situation is delayed scheduling of the check-up. This is not a good idea as complications may increase over time, making it even harder to treat and manage the disease. In this case, it is extremely important to check with the doctor in as early as possible to prevent more damage to the body. Another, it is important to note that diabetes is one of the lifelong diseases, and one that does not infect other people upon contact.

Information presented on this article is for educational or entertainment purposes only. This article does not dispense medical, legal or professional advice. The article here don't prescribe medical treatment or strategies. Please consult with your medical professional. Readers are responsible for their own decisions and actions should they use any information found on this article.

Article Source : Symptoms of Diabetes_5382.aspx

Author Resource :
Avicenna has written various articles about health and diseases related topics, including alternative medicine, cancer, aging and more

Keywords : diabetes,

Category : Disease And Illness : Disease And Illness

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