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Dr. Ashley Pulis has 9 Published Articles

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Accent on Vision,
9131 High Assets Way NW

Things that indicate vision problems in aging adults

Posted On : Aug-22-2017 | seen (765) times | Article Word Count : 439 |

Vision problems can affect anyone regardless of their age. However, eye problems are more common in older people. Improved lifestyle adaptations, regular checkups with your eye doctor in Albuquerque and earlier recognition would help you maintain your eye health.
Vision problems can affect anyone regardless of their age. However, eye problems are more common in older people. Improved lifestyle adaptations, regular checkups with your eye doctor in Albuquerque and earlier recognition would help you maintain your eye health. Hence, you have to be aware of the symptoms that specify age-related eye issues. These problems discussed further here:

- If you notice a shower of spots or floaters in your visual field, consult with an optometrist in Albuquerque immediately.Symptoms of this nature are caused mainly due to the separation of the retina from the gel-like substance in the eye. You shouldn’t ignore this start of spots or floaters as it could threaten your eye sight.

- When the retina becomes detached from the underlying choroid, you might feel as if a dark curtain has settled over your field of vision. If not addressed within a few hours, you can permanently lose your vision.

- A double vision indicates various eye conditions. In Albuquerque, optometrists state that it is also a warning sign of health emergencies like a stroke.

- In certain cases, a sudden experience of eye pain, redness, nausea, and vomiting means a minor attack of narrow-angle glaucoma. This condition has the potential to damage your optic nerve permanently and needs immediate attention.

- The retina is responsible for fine focusing. If you develop a macular hole in this region, you would have a sudden sense of blurry vision in one eye. If this condition worsens, your vision could fail indefinitely.

- The inability to view objects peripherally is bad news. It is one of the symptoms of Glaucoma. You need to treat this condition soon, or else it could result in tunnel vision or even blindness.

- If straight lines appear wavy when you see them, it means you are gradually losing your central vision. Loss of central vision could be due to Macular degeneration. Though there was no effective solution for this issue until recently, it is possible to halt the progress of the vision loss today.

- The most common reason for scratchy or irritated eyes is the “Dry eye” syndrome. "Dry eye" syndrome is is often more severe the older you grow. This condition is not sight-threatening but can cause changes in your tear chemistry or lesser tear production. Have a consultation with your eye doctor if you are experiencing it. He/she can prescribe medicines or remedies to overcome this problem.

Take the recommended actions so that you can reduce the impact of the above-given conditions.

Article Source : that indicate vision problems in aging adults_320803.aspx

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The author is a medical counselor and has written various articles on glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and eye doctors in Albuquerque. To know more about this optometrist in Albuquerque, visit

Keywords : optometrist in Albuquerque, eye doctors in Albuquerque,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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