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Things to Consider Before Getting an IVF Treatment

Posted On : Dec-18-2014 | seen (1120) times | Article Word Count : 549 |

This article will inform you about IVF are everything associated with it. If one is planning to undergo this treatment, it is important to acquire as much as knowledge possible about this process.
Child birth is a life changing event. Most of us wish to create a new life form. In a way it is our duty to our species. However there are thousands of individuals – both men and women, for whom reproduction is a difficult job or even an impossible job. In today’s world almost 20% of the couples suffer from infertility. Thankfully, there are solutions to this problem; different types of treatments are available. IVF or In Vitro fertilisation is such a type of treatment but before getting this treatment, it is important to know everything about it.

What is IVF?

In Vitro fertilisation is a process in which the egg is fertilised outside the mother’s body. Since the whole procedure goes on inside a test tube, the babies created are often termed as a test tube baby.

When should one opt for IVF?

In general cases of infertility, IVF is not the option doctors choose at first. IVF is performed only when:

1. If both the Fallopian tubes of the female partner are absent, blocked or incurably diseased
2. In cases of Endometriosis
3. Repeated failure of IUI
4. PCOD or unexplained infertility
5. Reduced sperm count
6. Disturbance in Tubular transport mechanism

What is the procedure of IVF?

Ovaries of the intended mother are stimulated and the eggs are collected. Those eggs are fertilised using the intended father’s sperm. The fertilisation takes place in a test tube or petri dish under controlled laboratory environment.

What precautions should be taken before, during or after the treatment?

There is no list of precautions that every woman undergoing this treatment should take. Depending upon the condition of the patients, the doctors will suggest the Dos and Don’ts. However, in these cases it is more advisable to stay stress free, eat healthy and avoid intoxicants.

What are the chances of success?

The success rate depends upon two factors, primarily:

1. Particular problem with the fertility of the couple
2. Their age
3. Condition of the uterus, eggs etc.
4. Total quantity of eggs obtained, fertilized and number of embryos transferred.

There can be many reasons for IVF failure.Sometimes it takes a large number of cycles to finally have a successful embryo implantation.

How expensive is this process?

IVF is a complex process which includes multiple steps and often more than one try. Thus the total amount of money spend can be quiet high. It will cost more than RS100000.

What are the risks of IVF?

There can be certain complications or at-least temporary side effects.

1. Enlargement of the ovaries due to over stimulation
2. There can be internal bleeding
3. Over reaction to sedation
4. Though the chances are negligible, it is possible to have an infection after the collection of the eggs.
5. This can lead to multiple pregnancies. In cases of tubular pregnancy, the tube needs to be removed.
6. Miscarriages are also possible
7. Extreme mood swings (more than during normal pregnancies)

It has also been noticed, that test tube babies are more susceptible to depression and substance use.

There are many options; one needs to make sure that they choose the right one.

Article Source : to Consider Before Getting an IVF Treatment_309103.aspx

Author Resource :
Delhi – IVF was established in the year 1994 by DR Anoop Gupta, a famous IVF consultant. Within 20 years it has grown to become the best IVF clinic in India. It has a team of knowledgeable and experienced doctors who can guide you through the complex process of IVF treatment.

Keywords : ivf clinic, infertility, egg donation, ivf treatment,

Category : Health and Fitness : Women's Issues

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