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Things you Might Not Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

Posted On : Jul-20-2017 | seen (1063) times | Article Word Count : 476 |

Cosmetic dentistry is something that you don’t necessarily need for the preservation of your oral health. However, they offer a wide range of benefits. The best dentist in Parramatta can effectively beautify your smile, make regular maintenance of your teeth easier, improve your confidence and also reduce bruxism.
Cosmetic dentistry is something that you don’t necessarily need for the preservation of your oral health. However, they offer a wide range of benefits. The best dentist in Parramatta can effectively beautify your smile, make regular maintenance of your teeth easier, improve your confidence and also reduce bruxism. Also, an attractive smile can make you successful both personally and professionally. Here are some facts about cosmetic dentistry that you need to be aware of,

- Cosmetic dentistry is not a modern technology

It is true that most of the current applications like porcelain veneers were invented in the recent years. But there are evidences that prove that the Etruscans have used ivory and bone to make dentures at around 700 B.C. Our ancestors have made teeth replacements by making crowns and fillings with gold. Teeth whitening procedures were also done with urine. The major ingredient of urine is ammonia, which acts as a whitening agent.

- It is a combination of art and science

Any dentists in Parramatta can do basic cosmetic procedures like whitening and teeth fillings. However, in order to attain a great smile, make sure that the dentist has specialised training in cosmetic dentistry. Other than that, he/she needs to undergo continual education courses to keep up with the latest developments. This is especially important for performing advanced methods like dental implants and invisalign braces.

- It is possible to reshape your face with cosmetic dentistry

This is one of the greatest benefits of cosmetic dentistry. In Parramatta, dentist can place veneers and improve your appearance by widening your smile, highlighting your cheekbones and make your face well-proportioned.

- Cosmetic dentistry can preserve the natural enamel of your teeth

Enamel might be the toughest substance in your body. Still, they can be dilapidated by various external factors. Cosmetic dentist in Parramatta uses thin ceramic caps called the veneers over your teeth, which can make your teeth look pretty and retain your enamel at the same time.

- Cosmetic dentist is not necessarily expensive

It is a common misunderstanding that your insurance would not ever provide coverage for cosmetic procedures. On contrary, there are many instances in which they are bound to pay for cosmetic dentistry. Also, by having cosmetic procedures you can avoid many serious oral problems that can occur in the future. Thus, they can help you save some money.

- Not all braces are ugly

There have been a lot of advancements in braces recently. Invisaligns are almost invisible and you can take them out while eating or when you take part in any outdoor activities.

Therefore, do not hesitate to get the smile of your dreams while there are so many convenient options in Cosmetic dentistry.

Article Source : you Might Not Know About Cosmetic Dentistry_320743.aspx

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The author is a cosmetician and has written various blogs about skin treatments, cosmetic surgeries and cosmetic dentist in Parramatta. To know more, visit

Keywords : best dentist in Parramatta, dentists in Parramatta, dentist in Parramatta,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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