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Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery,
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Top 3 Questions you Might Have Regarding Wisdom Teeth Removal

Posted On : Jul-25-2017 | seen (647) times | Article Word Count : 476 |

Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars grow at the back of your mouth when you are in your late teens or early twenties. As they are the last ones to erupt, the remaining teeth are usually settled in their place and would offer no place for them to grow. This condition could create many oral problems. Thus, they are often removed.
Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars grow at the back of your mouth when you are in your late teens or early twenties. As they are the last ones to erupt, the remaining teeth are usually settled in their place and would offer no place for them to grow. This condition could create many oral problems. Thus, they are often removed. It is okay to feel scary when you are about to face wisdom teeth removal and question everything about it. Here are the top 3 questions asked about wisdom teeth extraction,

How much does it cost to have your wisdom teeth removed?

There is no fixed price for wisdom teeth extraction. It varies depending on the requirements of the patients and extent of damage. If there is a full eruption, then the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney would be similar to the extraction of any other teeth. The procedure would become more difficult if the location of the teeth and the gum tissues are not favourable. The deeper the positioning of the teeth, the more bone tissues that need to be removed to facilitate the removal process. Also, the tooth has to be sectioned when they are extracted.

Also, the cost could differ based on the dental practitioner. If they are placed very close to a mandibular nerve, you will be in need of a specialized surgeon. Obviously, you need to pay more for exceptional surgeons. There are clinics that offer cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney when compared to the others. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there would be compromise in the quality of the treatment. Some clinics exclusively offer procedures for removing wisdom teeth and thus can afford to be more affordable.

There are others factors that determine wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney such as X-raying imaging and anaesthesia.

Why do wisdom teeth exist?

Our earlier ancestors were in need of wisdom teeth to help them chew their sustenance that usually includes tree barks, roots, raw meat and nuts. Fortunately, our meal preparation has been greatly improved, discarding the need for these four additional molars. But unfortunately, our jawbones no longer have enough space to accommodate them because of our food habits and lifestyle.

Does wisdom teeth extraction hurt?

Before the procedure, you will be sedated so that you won’t be feeling any pain during the surgery, just a mild discomfort. The type of anaesthetic used may vary depending on your needs. But once the effect of the anaesthesia wears off, you can expect some pain. Your dentist would prescribe medications to help you deal with it.

But if your pain is intolerable, you need to contact your dentist immediately so that he/she can find out what went wrong.

Article Source : 3 Questions you Might Have Regarding Wisdom Teeth Removal_320751.aspx

Author Resource :
The author is an insurance agent. She has written various blogs about the cost of oral surgeries and cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. To know more about wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney, visit

Keywords : cost of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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