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Top 8 Natural Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes

Posted On : Sep-30-2010 | seen (1024) times | Article Word Count : 693 |

Eyes are one of the most important sensory organ and window of the soul. A good Eyes helps you to see clearly far and wide. So, it’s very important that we maintain healthy eyesight to perform different tasks and activities.
Eyes are one of the most important sensory organ and window of the soul. A good eyes helps you to see clearly far and wide. So, it’s very important that we maintain healthy eyesight to perform different tasks and activities.

Taking care of your eyes is not a very complicated job. Here are some tips to help keep your eyes healthy:

1. Healthy eating

Your diet plays a significant role in controlling your eye problems and keeping them healthy.

- Eating more foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, including cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel and halibut.

- Eat lots of leafy green vegetables. Tomatoes, citrus fruits, poultry and diary products are good for the eyes.

- Eat more fresh fruits like cucumber, orange, guava etc. Vitamin A, C & E are very good eye nutrients. Lentils, peanuts, sunflower seeds, corn oil and eggs are excellent for the eyes.

- Avoiding red meats; and avoiding saturated fats. Instead, they should use monounsaturated fats like olive oil.

- Avoid foods that have high sugar content like jams and marmalades, sweets and chocolates.

- Drinking plenty of water always helps to keep the eyes fresh. This also hydrates the body and reduces the puffiness around the eyes.

2. Eye exercises

The exercises are very helpful in avoiding swelling and soroness of eyes and keep our eyes well functioning.

Blink your eyes several times. While you keep your eyes closed, roll your eyeballs both clockwise and anticlockwise and take a deep breath. Gradually open your eyes while releasing your breath. This exercise lasts for a minute and you can repeat it three times before getting back to work. This is very important for those who work on computers for a long period of time.

3. Clean your eyes

It is important to clean your eyes. For cleansing the eyes, water is the best resource you have. Fresh milk is also good for cleansing the eyes. A clean cotton ball should be dipped into milk and applied on the eye. Couple of drops of pure rose water is good for the eyes. This enhances the glow in the eyes.

4. Do not rub your eyes.

If you are feeling something disrupting or itching in the eyes- do not rub the eyes. Rather blink for few times; it is a good message and will help reduce itching. You can also splash water in your eyes to wash out dirt and secretions from the lower conjunctival sac.

5. Protect your eyes from the sun

Sun exposure has been linked to cataract formation and, possibly, macular degeneration. Always wear sunglasses when you’re out in the bright sun.

6. Consider eye health at work

- Always place your monitor/television at a proper distance and position which is comfortable for your eyes

- Do not read in a poor light or very closely. Read in a good posture (sit with your back straight) and hold the book at least 40-50 cm away. Ensure there is enough light to read a book. If you read / write in a poor light then that’ll give strain to your eyes.

- Give your eyes a rest. Staring at the computer or television screen for a long time may cause dry eyes, which, in turn, lead to irritation, itching and heating of the eyes. Blinking few times and stroll for few minutes give your eyes the much needed break.

7. Give your eyes adequate rest

Good sleep and adequate rest is directly related to basic vision care. A regular sound sleep of 7 to 8 hours provides the amount of rest and relaxation required for healthy eyes.

8. Getting regular eye exams

One of the most proactive steps that people can take to protect their vision is to have a complete eye exam early in adulthood and then periodic exams as they get older, depending on their family history and individual risk of eye disease. This is very important to preventing eye disease and detecting visual impairment.

Article Source : 8 Natural Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes_35571.aspx

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If you want more information about eyes vision please visit this site right now.

Keywords : tips avoid eye problems, eye care, Health, keep your eyes healthy, natural eye care tips, natural ways to take care of your e,

Category : Health and Fitness : Alternative Medicine

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