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Top Healthcare Podcasts to Listen in 2020

Posted On : Sep-30-2020 | seen (627) times | Article Word Count : 578 |

It’s probably not too early to call 2020 the Year of Healthcare. With the world rocked to its core by the COVID-19 pandemic, the planet’s population is talking about medical capacity, clinical trials, vaccine development, serology tests, and more. However, even before COVID-19, the healthcare industry has been facing an unprecedented series of changes
It’s probably not too early to call 2020 the Year of Healthcare. With the world rocked to its core by the COVID-19 pandemic, the planet’s population is talking about medical capacity, clinical trials, vaccine development, serology tests, and more. However, even before COVID-19, the healthcare industry has been facing an unprecedented series of changes, from an aging population in developed countries to new viral diseases that can spread worldwide within a day to the roles of artificial intelligence in medicine to whether for-profit insurance companies can best the single-payer systems used in so many developed nations. While health care systems struggle to maintain the health of a growing geriatric population, they also continuously are developing technologies. When you add all this up, it is no surprise that healthcare and healthcare-related podcasts have boomed in recent years. People are thirsty for information and want to know what innovations and developments are taking place in the one field we all rely
on. With so many medical podcasts now available, it will be helpful to stay updated; especially for healthcare provider.

We combed through the podcast world to find the timeliest, relevant and the best medical podcasts out there today. Whether from epidemiological, technological, innovation, disease-modeling, business, or any of a variety of other perspectives, these podcasts examine the challenges, quandaries, accomplishments, and goals of healthcare around the world.

The Best Medical Podcasts You Should Be Listening To Right Now

Recent research says, as of April 2020, Podcast Insights reported that there are over 1 million podcasts. The reason behind this big reach is, the consumers can listen to podcasts while on the go and doing other tasks such as driving, commuting, or chores.

Here are the best medical podcasts to listen in 2020.

1. EFFORT Trial

2. Driving Pressure Vs Tidal Volume in ARDS

3. PEPTIC Study

4. Shame Resilience in Medical Education

5. Permissive Hypercapnia in ARDS


7. De-resuscitation in Intensive Care

8. NONSEDA Trial

9. Hyperoxemia in Intensive Care

10. 65 Trial

11. COVID-19 – Management of Critically ill Patient

12. COVID-19 Controversies

13. Novel Therapies and Diagnostic Tools in COVID-19

14. Connecting Dots in COVID-19

15. Remdesivir in COVID-19- new Cure or Illusion

16. Translational Simulation on Steroids in COVID-19

17. Preventing Transmission of COVID-19 in Intensive Care

18. Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine &

19. Professor Lucciano Gattinoni : Episode 12 – mechanical

20. Professor Maurizio Cecconi: Episode 15 – Post COVID-19

21. Professor Dale Needham: Episode 16- Rehab in ICU

22. Remdesivir in COVID-19 – ACCT Trial

23. Convalescent Plasma in COVID-19

24. Neuromuscular Blockade in ARDS

25. Vitamin D3 in Critically Ill Patients

26. Dexamethasone in COVID-19 – Too Good To Ignore

27. Hydroxychloroquine Prophylaxis in COVID-19

28. Tranexamic Acid in Acute GI Bleeding – HALT-IT Trial

29. Cytokine Storm in COVID-19

30. Anthropology to Explore the Culture in Medicine

31. Top 10 Practice Changing Trials in Intensive Care

32. STARRT-AKI Trial

33. Social Determinants of Health in Medical Education

The Bottom Line

Are you ready to stay updated with medicine podcast? It’s important to identify a strategic role for your podcast! Most importantly, choose the right website that gives recent relevant news, which help with your role.

Article Source : Healthcare Podcasts to Listen in 2020_325730.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article shares recent medical podcasts. In this article, he discusses the list of healthcare podcast to listen in 2020. To learn more, visit

Keywords : medical podcasts, best medical podcasts, medicine podcast,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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