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Wings that lead to freedom

Posted On : Jul-30-2011 | seen (1159) times | Article Word Count : 529 |

The wings that lead to freedom come to us right from the day we breathe out of our mother's womb. And as we grow our wings too acquire their growth...
The wings that lead to freedom come to us right from the day we breathe out of our mother's womb. And as we grow our wings too acquire their growth... unfortunately most of us remain unconscious of their existence and thereby never make use of them. As it is known biologically that any organ of the body that remain unused for a prolonged period of time becomes inactive. Even after a bone fracture the plaster period stalls all movement of that respective limb and whenever the plaster is removed the organ takes a fair period of time before it could restore its normal movement.
Whereas in the case of these wings since we always remain unconscious of their existence; thereby they become totally inactive and loose on count of their functionality. The question is where are those wings and why do we remain unconscious of their presence. This is a pertinent question. In fact the evolution has raised human race to various ends where it has acquired most that pertains to this material world and confines within the ambit of 'Gravity' and on the other hand it has lost the most that pertains to the realms of worlds that defy gravity...
Our wings have confined their existence at the end of our insight... Don't raise any doubts upon my words since 'levitation' is a proven fact though there exist few people around this world who can suspend their entire weight above the ground. The demonstration of the latter fact has been telecast on a TV channel that holds a special preference towards programs that entail 'action'. Those that are able to either levitate or suspend their weight above the ground level are able to act out of their inherent potential borne within their insight. Therefore we can mention that human beings are vested with wings that are enjoined at the end of our insight.
One another question is that if at all we have those wins within our own selves and yet remain ignorant about their existence for any reason then at least we should know the manner that can develop their potential and enable us fly. Now the answer to this question is a resolution to a deeper victory contained in the topic of this article '' wings that lead to freedom ''... well to have the answer the quest borne need to transform as serious learners and write down to the author of this article to know more upon the subject. Remember freedom is a higher state then the ability to merely fly as a bird... De gravitate self form bounds of monotonous stereo types and acquire the creative force of the cosmic master.
The moment we spread our arms they appear as two wings attached to the human body as if they shall enable us fly…fly our desire2will and from will to actualization. Though the human body cannot actually fly with arms open wide; but yet it is a declaration to self that the human intent wants to deplore the unchartered territories… Come acquire those wings that lead to freedom with disciplined learning through notes of growth for serious learners at by Dinesh kumar

Article Source : that lead to freedom_70086.aspx

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Keywords : Learning under discipline, notes for growth, inner growth, self development, freedom, wings, desire2will, desires, dreams, ab,

Category : Self Improvement : Inspirational

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