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Yeast Overgrowth Symptoms -- How Do You Know if You Have Them?

Posted On : Feb-29-2012 | seen (1011) times | Article Word Count : 519 |

If you have yeast overgrowth symptoms, this yeast, Candida, has grown out of control and spread to other parts of your body. When Candida albicans grows to excessive levels in your gut flora, it can cause yeast infections.
Yeast Overgrowth Symptoms

Yeast is known for spreading fast. This fungus is useful for many things: it's used to make bread and beer, and is also part of your natural gut flora to help digest food. In and of itself, yeast can be a good thing.

If you have yeast overgrowth symptoms, this yeast, Candida, has grown out of control and spread to other parts of your body. When Candida albicans grows to excessive levels in your gut flora, it can cause yeast infections. Yeast overgrowth can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.

How to Test for Yeast Overgrowth

If you think you might have the signs of a yeast infection, it can be handy if you know how to test for yeast overgrowth. An old home-based test has been known to work sometimes.

All you need is a glass of water:

• First thing in the morning, work up some saliva in your mouth (don't brush your teeth, or eat or drink anything beforehand) and spit into the water
• After 15 minutes, examine the water
• If the spit stays clear and continues to float on top of the water, your yeast levels are normal.
• If the spit starts to develop strings that hang down into the water, like cloudy, little legs,
then this can be a sign indicating you have yeast overgrowth symptoms.

For more accurate results, vaginal infection test kits are available at your local pharmacy.

Signs of Yeast Overgrowth

The signs of yeast overgrowth should be easy to notice. This can at least make it easier to catch an infection before it gets worse. These symptoms can include:

• Vaginal itching, burning, redness, and swelling
• A malodorous vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese and smells like yeast
• Pain during urination or sexual intercourse

Because of the intimate nature of this condition, it can be embarrassing to talk about possible solutions for yeast overgrowth symptoms. But, sometimes it’s necessary to find what best works for you.

Probiotics for Women

Many women are turning to probiotic products ( to support vaginal health.* Candida overgrowth usually occurs when your body is lacking sufficient levels beneficial bacteria that keep Candida levels in check. A long with a healthy diet and exercise, a daily regimen of probiotics, good bacteria, can restore and maintain natural balance between bad and good bacteria.*

Probiotics for women have been reported to help alleviate occasional yeast overgrowth symptoms.* Instead of just killing of all the yeast in your body, which can lead to side effects like digestive problems, it's a better idea to bring your gut flora back to its natural balance in a safe and gentle way.* Some examples of probiotics for women include Nutraelle FemCare, Fem-Dophilus, and Ultimate Flora Vaginal Support.

Disclaimer: Under Section 5 of DSHEA, the content material within this article or webpage is for consumer and educational purposes only. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Article Source : Overgrowth Symptoms -- How Do You Know if You Have Them?_157119.aspx

Author Resource :
Leslie Cohen has written many articles about Candida albicans and the many causes of Candida infections. If you have signs of a yeast infection, you should find a natural solution as soon as you can. Visit

Keywords : yeast overgrowth symptoms, how to test for yeast overgrowth, signs of yeast overgrowth,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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