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Harry Landri has 98 Published Articles

United States of America,
North Kansas City,
Business Signs of Kansas City,
1313 Vernon St.

Your Sign Display is More Important than You Thought

Posted On : Mar-20-2014 | seen (6542) times | Article Word Count : 456 |

First impressions are important for businesses looking to create a lasting impression. It takes less than 30 seconds for consumers to decide if they’re going to step inside a shop or not.
First impressions are important for businesses looking to create a lasting impression. It takes less than 30 seconds for consumers to decide if they’re going to step inside a shop or not. And what do they depend on to make this decision? Your business sign!

Signs are an important aspect of branding in a business. An attractive signage not only influences people to visit the store, it also helps to increase business. The U.S Small Business Administration Bureau reports that owners who chose to display a signage saw an increase of nearly 15 to 150% in business. A well displayed sign is a silent salesperson that neither sleeps nor asks for a salary hike! Here are a few reasons why signs are important;

a) Draw Attention: The most basic function of a sign is to help people identify a business and inform them about its existence. This is especially important in a crowded shopping area where we would be lost without proper signage.

b) Saves Lives: Yes, that’s true! Imagine if you are in hospital where appropriate signs are not displayed. You would be going round and round in circles unless you are guided to the right place, wouldn’t you?

c) Brand Promotion: An attractive logo or a catchy message remains etched in the minds of passersby even though they may not need to shop with you now. But if in the future, they need to buy something that you sell; your shop is the first place that they would come to.

d) Encourages Impulsive Shoppers: More often than not, purchases are made on an impulse. An attractive sign display coupled with the promise of instant gratification attracts customers. In fact, the Institute of Transportation Engineers estimates that unplanned stops account for 20 to 45% of traffic for businesses. Without a sign display, these numbers are likely to be a lot less.

But designing a business sign is not as easy as you think. Factors such as targeted customers, the message to be communicated, zoning regulations, etc. should be considered. The message to be conveyed is as important as the design of the sign. Needless to say, it should be readable and noticeable from a distance. Would you like to display your phone number, website address, phone number and other contact details to promote other channels of customer contact? Would you like provide a public service by displaying a clock or the temperature? All of these generate interest in the viewer.

At our Kansas City sign company, we not only design, manufacture and install signs, but also research on the different regulations affecting a sign placement. Knowledge of these regulations is important even before you begin design work.

Article Source : Sign Display is More Important than You Thought_294584.aspx

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Keywords : sign company kansas city, signs business kansas city, outdoor signs kansas city, signage manufacturer,

Category : Business : Business

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