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Maximizing Your Weight Loss Journey with a Medical Program
If you're considering a medical weight loss program to help you reach your weight loss goals, there are a few key steps you can take to ensure you maximize your journey. A medical weight loss plan allows you to focus on both nutrition and exercise for the best possible results. read more...
By Gagan Dang | Apr-28-2023

Is Semaglutide Injection the Right Weight Loss Solution for You?
Are you looking for a new way to lose weight? Semaglutide injection for weight loss may be the solution you’re looking for. Semaglutide injection is a new weight loss treatment that has been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. It works by suppressing appetite, reducing hunger, and promoting feelings of fullness. read more...
By Gagan Dang | Apr-28-2023

Benefits of Semaglutide Injection for Medical Weight Loss
Semaglutide injection, originally developed as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, has recently been approved for use in medical weight loss in non-diabetic individuals. This medication can provide a range of benefits for individuals who are struggling with excess weight and associated health problems. read more...
By Gagan Dang | Apr-28-2023

How Poor Oral Health can Affect Your Overall Health
Oral health is often seen as separate from overall health, but in reality, the two are closely linked. Poor oral health can contribute to a range of health problems, from gum disease to heart disease, and maintaining good oral hygiene is an important part of staying healthy overall. read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Apr-12-2023

The Link between Oral Health and Overall Health: What You Need to Know
Oral health is often seen as separate from overall health, but in reality, the two are closely linked. Poor oral health can contribute to a range of health problems, from gum disease to heart disease, and maintaining good oral hygiene is an important part of staying healthy overall. read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Apr-12-2023

1892 Understanding Sleep Apnea
The sleeping problem called sleep apnea is well known today. Certain pauses in the air intake that cause the patients to wake up throughout the night are a major problem faced by many people. People with this sleeping disorder will feel drowsy with severe headache when they wake up. Their whole day will be ruined because of their drowsiness. read more...
By Kristina Keffer | Apr-30-2009

1808 How To Choose a Comfortable CPAP Mask
The pause of flow of air intake while sleeping is called as “sleep apnea”. This sleeping disorder makes the patient miss one or two breaths while he is asleep. This cycle continues frequently, making the person wake up completely and thereby disrupting the sleep pattern. Thankfully, with the advancements in medical technology there is a perfect solution for this sleeping problem. read more...
By Kristina Keffer | Apr-30-2009

1541 Hearing Loss Solutions
Losing one’s hearing is not a milestone that an individual typically looks forward to in life. However, thanks to the growing number of solutions to this nearly unavoidable occurrence, it is no longer something to be feared. Hearing aids are becoming a very valuable resource to many aging Americans today. read more...
By Kristina Keffer | Apr-29-2009

1135 Wrinkle Review: Finding the Right Anti-Wrinkle Cream
Wrinkles. Everyone gets them, and no one likes them. In the past, people thought it was just something you had to deal with. It’s just one of those things that you accept with old age, right? Wrong. read more...
By Linda Grey | Apr-28-2009

920 Exercises For Plantar Fasciitis and Orthotic Inserts: A Good Formula to Relieve Heel Pain
If you’re like many people, you may be suffering from plantar pain that is so painful that it may hinder enjoying certain things in life. One of the most common foot ailments is plantar pain. The soreness can start off as an irritating pain that you feel sometimes, and develop into an intense pain that is felt every day. read more...
By Fred Solomon | Apr-21-2009

1171 Massage Therapy and Your Health
Massage therapy has been around for a long time. Throughout the world people use this type of holistic medicine. Hippocrates detailed how a physician could give a therapeutic massage to help a patient's overall health. read more...
By Candace Parksons | Apr-21-2009

1706 Customizing community, public and private pools
The definition of a swimming pool includes: a concrete excavation filled with water and is used for swimming; this is definitely a bland definition of what a pool should be. read more...
By David Christopher | Apr-18-2009

962 Healthy, Organic Alternatives for Pets and their People- Birkdale Medicinals Opens a Facility in MI
BirkDale Medicinals, the leader in alternative Dog Cancer treatment, announces a new face to face facility in Michigan. Human and Canine holistic, organic supplements available at facility and online. read more...
By Julie Strawsburg Mayes | Apr-17-2009

1914 Playground Safety
Playgrounds, adorned with the latest outdoor play equipment and structures, are great venues for children to develop their motor abilities, cognitive aptitude, and socializing skills. But sometimes, playgrounds pose hazards to children, even if all their child playground equipment have met and satisfied every safety standard. read more...
By David Christopher | Apr-14-2009

1187 Playground equipment promotes play among children, develops motor and cognitive skills
A child’s first six years is the molding stage where the foundation of knowledge is the basis and skills are inculcated. How a child morphs into a unique individual is the result of a child’s own hereditary traits and his or her immediate environment, interactions and experiences during those years. Speaking of immediate environment, theorists and child behavior experts, regardless of their fields, agree that play is an essential part of a child’s developmental years. read more...
By David Christopher | Apr-10-2009

1112 Neurotransmitter Testing: How Detecting Neurotransmitter Imbalance Can Help You to Feel Better, Fast
Neurotransmitters, chemicals in our brains that work as messengers between brain cells, are responsible for most of what goes on in our bodies. They regulate our behavior, our emotions, our ability to learn, and the way we sleep. read more...
By Valerie Balandra NP | Apr-08-2009

1138 Industries and public facilities that would implement playground equipment
Playgrounds are designed for kids. And where a huge number of children converge, playgrounds replete with all the play structures are most likely there too. Most people already recognize the importance of the playground and the crucial role it plays in the progressing development of a child. But from a child’s own simplistic point of view, a playground is his territory, his realm so to speak. read more...
By David Christopher | Apr-07-2009

1139 Master-planned communities
Who would not want to live in a home where the neighbors are nice, the streets are clean, facilities and amenities like play structures and outdoor play equipment are top of the line, and living in itself is a breeze? By these standards, having a home inside a master-planned community would be a dream come true for parents and their children. read more...
By David Christopher | Apr-04-2009

1039 Is Sugar Really That Bad For You?
You've probably seen that commercial - the one where a mother sadly contemplates the mountains of sugar her family consumes daily. Her children pile it on their cereal, then snack on sugar-laden treats washed down with corn syrup-based beverages. read more...
By Valerie Balandra NP | Apr-02-2009

1078 Natural Ways to Reduce Memory Loss and Improve Your Memory Skill
Do you occasionally have one of those “senior moments” where you walk into a room and then totally blank out on why you went in there, or scramble mentally to remember the name of a person to whom you were just introduced? read more...
By Valerie Balandra NP | Apr-02-2009

1353 Coping With Stress at Work
Stress is becoming a much greater threat at work. On top of the stress you have at work, you also have to deal with the usual stress concerning your personal life. With the terrible economy and all of the layoffs taking place, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out. read more...
By Meghna Naidu | Apr-02-2009

1860 Foot Arch Pain In Runners: Treatment Using Orthotic Insoles
Foot pain in athletes can be excruciating. Once you encounter heel or arch pain, it may be difficult to adjust your lifestyle if you are used to being active. It is important for runners to be aware of the symptoms and treatments for some of the more common types of heel or foot arch injuries. To treat heel pain in athletes effectively, you must first understand the causes. read more...
By Fred Solomon | Mar-31-2009

1298 Tips for a Healthy Colon Through Proper Diet
The average person's diet is horrible and loaded with useless carbohydrates and sugars that stall the metabolism and have created the worst obesity epidemic the world has ever known. read more...
By Matt Peterson | Mar-30-2009

1680 Testing for Drugs in the Work Place is Worldwide, Not Just in U.S.
It’s easy to assume when you live in the United States that what we do in this country doesn’t always apply elsewhere. When it comes to drug testing employees for drugs and alcohol, the rest of the world is cracking the whip on drug free policies. read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009

1434 With EtG Testing, What is The Difference Between Urine Alcohol Testing and Hair Alcohol Testing?
It can be confusing to know what the difference between EtG urine alcohol testing verses EtG Hair alcohol testing, when it comes to testing for long term alcohol use, which method is best? read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009

1208 Test Your Employees for Drugs and Alcohol and Take Your Office off the Statistics List
If you think about all the occupations out there that need their employees to be at the top of their game- i.e. all of them, wouldn’t it scare you to know how many employers don’t test their employees for drugs and alcohol? read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009

1174 New Alcohol Testing Devices Have Parents and Teachers Talking
Recent discoveries of new alcohol testing devices are changing the way teachers, high school and university counselors are screening for alcohol abuse. Most of the community is thrilled with the findings, whereas some parent’s are not so sure. read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009

1393 Keeping Your Employees Safe and Your Office Legal
How much is too much when it comes to keeping your office safe? Is your office prepared for an emergency? Are your employees safe? What you don’t know about your employees’ habits outside work could affect your company’s overall performance. read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009

1610 It’s No Crime Scene at Your Office- It’s just Drug Follicle Hair Testing
Pre-employment drug and alcohol testing, random testing and testing in schools and in the courts is as common place as asking for your social security number but asking for bodily fluids is still intrusive. read more...
By Rebecca Beckett | Mar-27-2009

1296 In Several Categories Hair Alcohol Testing Surpasses Traditional Methods of Testing
Breathalyzers, sweat and urine alcohol testing are all reliable methods of testing people for alcohol abuse but when compared to hair alcohol testing, no other method of alcohol testing stands up to it’s unfailing evidence. read more...
By Melissa Peterman | Mar-27-2009