Claudia Cosden's Article in Clothing

297 Sexy Stocking Pairs, Gloves, and Other Accessories to Further Improve Your Nighties
Play up your current plain sexy lingerie by adding different accessories to the mix. There are plenty of choices from your basic sexy stocking pairs to daring cuff bracelets - take your pick and have some fun with it!
Posted on Nov-29-2011

267 Sexy Lingerie: Prepare Your Honeymoon travel Fashion statement
The honeymoon celebration is one of the important things newlywed partners look forward to. This really is also a opportunity for the bride to show off her body with sexy lingerie. Pick 1 in accordance with the ideas below.
Posted on Sep-25-2011

227 9 simple Approaches for Hold Up Sexy Stockings Every day
Seeking for stockings to increase a sexy look to your attire? There are numerous shops obtainable online offering these items but that's not really the problem. The major concern is discovering ideas on how to use them each day.
Posted on Aug-18-2011

370 Learn When to Use Sexy Stockings
Each lady is capable of appearing sexy whatever the occasion might be. Occasionally, it is not the cosmetics, gown, or hair do that makes a lady sexy. She only has to put on sexy stockings on the different proper situations.
Posted on Aug-04-2011

458 Sexy Sleepwear and Chocolates: Gifts for Your Significant Other
Men everywhere have a very tough time getting gifts for the women that they love. Fortunately though, you can find gifts available much like sexy lingerie that happen to be fantastic gifts for special events.
Posted on Aug-03-2011