Timothy Grigg's Article in Music

584 All About the Art of singing
Singing is an art and it requires constant practice. For some, singing comes naturally. Some take it as a hobby. But if you plan to take singing as a profession then you have to take it very seriously. First learn how to sing.
Posted on Apr-21-2011

709 Learn to Sing like a Professional Singer
Singing is commonly done for pleasure. Singing at an amateur or professional level mostly requires regular practice. There are many professional singers around the world and they’ve largely made it through, because of their vocal lessons.
Posted on Mar-29-2011

798 Tips and Tricks that’ll Help You Improve Your Singing
Singing is indeed great for the soul! Singing causes release of ‘endorphins’ or hormones that cause happiness among human beings. There isn’t a better way to invoke emotions in people than to sing.
Posted on Feb-23-2011

798 Learn to Sing With Online Singing Lessons
A new research led by researchers at the University of Finance and Management in Warsaw, and the University of Montreal has found that almost everyone can carry a tune. The very few who just cannot sign in tune are tone deaf and just cannot understand when a tune is off-key.
Posted on Feb-01-2011

514 Learn How to Sing With a Little Help
Of all activities that people fear to do in public, singing is probably the most feared of all. Singing however isn’t as difficult as it’s made out to be. All you need is a little help from a trained professional.
Posted on Jan-24-2011