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Burn Notice ‘Depth Perception’ Review

Posted On : Dec-12-2011 | seen (2108) times | Article Word Count : 527 |

Michael Westen goes through plenty of ups and downs during this episode of Burn Notice, as the show seemingly leaves behind the flashy explosions with which it debuted, and concentrates more on showing the characters for what they really are.
Michael Westen goes through plenty of ups and downs during this episode of Burn Notice, as the show seemingly leaves behind the flashy explosions with which it debuted, and concentrates more on showing the characters for what they really are. Even if the main character is a spy, and little is given about his whereabouts, the audience has the opportunity to learn more about his personality throughout this episode. In Depth Perception, Michael is called by Sam, who asks him for help in order to save Beatriz, the Colombian that saved him in a previous installment.

Apparently, Beatriz is chased down by a Russian spy, whose orders are to terminate her due to her involvement in some business smelling of Russian oil. Team Westen is forced to employ Anson’s services, which leads to a painful confrontation between Michael and the show’s villain, who tortures Westen, by asking him uncomfortable questions. Michael clearly feels disturbed and starts questioning himself, and his actions, as the episode progresses.

Anson proves once again why any show needs a villain. He shadows all Michael’s movements, and he even states, with not even a tinge of regret or sign that he had a conscience, that he will manipulate Westen as he sees fit. While the deal is endured by Michael all throughout the operation, rumor has it that Anson will not give up on his hold on Mike. The true nature of his character is revealed when he simply pinpoints Sam as being a spy for the Russians, a clear sign that the games are far from being over, when Anson is involved.
As any believable villain, Anson has his money stashed away in the Caymans Islands, and he is accompanied by Fi and Jesse to the bank, where he employs the services of a dirty banker to fake his death. The side story of this episode was not very interesting, but the interaction between Jesse and Fi was, as always, fun to watch.

As already mentioned, the audience has the opportunity to learn more about Michael Westen and his past. His father’s abusive personality is revealed, through Anson’s not so subtle hints at the role of a father figure played in Michael’s life. We learn more through Anson’s mouth about Michael than any otherwise. The profiler says that Michael became a protector of the weak, only to stave off the memory of the abuses he had to endure at the hands of an alcoholic father.

The role of Michael’s father, Frank Westen, is, however, more complex. While feeding Anson with information on Michael, Frank also tries to apologize to his kids. But this is a tidbit of information that Michael learns when it is already too late, and Frank is long gone, death making it impossible for father and son to reach an understanding and an agreement. Again, Anson is the one that points out that having an abusive father made Michael in what he is today, so, apologies delayed or not, the way things happened cannot be turned around, no matter how Michael views his father through the perspective of new found information may change.

Article Source : Notice ‘Depth Perception’ Review_117710.aspx

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Keywords : Burn Notice Spoilers, Burn Notice Tv Show,

Category : Product Reviews : Movie Reviews

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