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Harry Landri has 98 Published Articles

United States of America,
North Kansas City,
Business Signs of Kansas City,
1313 Vernon St.

Buying Tips for LED Outdoor Signs

Posted On : Oct-06-2014 | seen (4672) times | Article Word Count : 438 |

You must consider investing in LED outdoor signs if your business is largely visible from a busy street or a highway.
You must consider investing in LED outdoor signs if your business is largely visible from a busy street or a highway. It is cheaper than most of the expensive advertising options and most importantly it serves you longer than you can think.

When you consult a signage manufacturer in Kansas City, as a start point, consider the following general elements while purchasing LED outdoor signs:

Viewing Distance

It is indubitably the most important consideration while buying LED outdoor signs. LED sign Company in Kansas City specifically design LED signs to offer optimum viewing at specific range, based on the distance between two pixels. This distance is measured in millimeters. It is often also known as pixel pitch.

A tighter or closer pixel pitch like 12mm offer vivid experience no matter if your viewers are closer or far away from the sign. A greater pixel pitch works well with the signs that are aimed to be viewed from a longer distance; for example, from a highway or an over bridge.

For a sensible measurement, 1mm pixel pitch is ideal to be measured for every meter distance from where maximum viewers will be viewing your sign. For example, a 16 mm LED sign will blend together seamlessly when viewed from a least distance of 16 meters.


You might need to make a selection between monochrome and full color LED sign. If your business is of visual nature like retail, real estate, electrical appliances or similar, you will earn more benefits from the color display capabilities of a full color LED sign. Other organizations like schools, institutions and churches may prefer having monochrome LED signs to sufficiently convey their basic messages.


As for any business, budget is the primary consideration. If you take buying of a LED sign as a marketing expenditure and not as a capital investment, the cost of LED sign can very favorably be accommodated within your marketing budget. Typically, LED signs cost lesser than other expensive advertising mediums such as yellow page, television, radio or newspaper.

Moreover, you get the freedom to change the messages more frequently & instantly over the LED signs. They are great for displaying time-sensitive information, sale promotions and to attract people for your special events.

Besides all these considerations, the most imperative one is to look for experienced and skilled signs business in Kansas City. Your selected sign partner must be familiar with all the local ordinances and permitting requirements for outdoor signs. Be sure of dealing with experts for designing, installing and servicing your LED outdoor signs.

Article Source : Tips for LED Outdoor Signs_305271.aspx

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The author has an immense knowledge on outdoor signs kansas city. Know more about signage manufacturer related info in his website.

Keywords : outdoor signs kansas city, signage manufacturer,

Category : Business : Business

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