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Can Your Damage Your Teeth Using Teeth Whitening Products Too Often?

Posted On : Aug-24-2011 | seen (354) times | Article Word Count : 543 |

This article is all about teeth whitening, and the risks associated with the overuse of the various home whitening treatments.
It used to be the case that the only people who got their teeth whitened were celebrities and people with lots of money. However it is now a treatment that is becoming popular amongst the general public as well. Anyone can benefit from a whiter smile, but you do need to exercise caution because you can actually whiten your teeth too much.

It is easy to get drawn into the trap of whitening your teeth as much as possible because whenever you switch on your TV or open up a magazine, you will always find famous celebrities dazzling you with their smile. However this can be misleading.

First of all if you are looking at photos in a magazine, there is a chance that their teeth will have been whitened slightly by a graphic artist. Furthermore even if their teeth are actually this colour, they may actually be veneers rather than natural teeth that have been whitened.

So you shouldn't necessarily try and achieve the same level of whiteness as many of these celebrities yourself. It is also worth remembering that many people think these Hollywood smiles look really fake and in many ways slightly unattractive. They look bad enough on celebrities who are expected to look like this, but when you see an ordinary member of the public with bright white teeth, particularly if they are quite old, it really does look a little strange.

Therefore you should try and whiten your teeth so that they are a nice shade of white, but still look natural. If you keep using whitening treatments over and over again, then you should achieve a similar level of whiteness if you are this way inclined, but you have to remember that there is the very real risk that you could damage your teeth.

If you follow all of the instructions and leave at least six months between treatments, then you should be okay. However if you use one of these home whitening kits for too long, then your teeth may actually turn grey and become translucent. So all of your whitening treatments will have been in vain, and you will be left with teeth that look worse than when you started.

Some people do all the wrong things such as smoking, drinking red wine, and drinking lots of tea and coffee every day, and wonder why their teeth do not stay white for very long. The truth is that you still have to look after your teeth and should be doing everything you can to minimize staining. That way you can make each treatment last for anything between one and two years.

Anyway the point I wanted to get across in this article is that you can indeed whiten your teeth too much. Not only can you end up with a really false-looking Hollywood smile, which is never a great look, but you may also end up damaging your teeth if you overdo it. Your goal should be to have white teeth that look natural, and you can easily do this with even the most basic home whitening kits if you follow the instructions, do not go over the recommended treatment period and leave plenty of time between treatments.

Article Source : Your Damage Your Teeth Using Teeth Whitening Products Too Often?_76395.aspx

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Click here to read a full Dr Georges Dental White review to learn about one of the UK's most popular products, and to find out where you can buy Smile4You, one of the leading home whitening products in the US.

Keywords : teeth whitening risks, teeth whitening dangers, teeth whitening, home teeth whitening,

Category : Health and Fitness : Beauty

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