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Doctoral dissertation

Posted On : Feb-28-2010 | seen (1919) times | Article Word Count : 500 |

Doctoral dissertation is necessary for doing PhD and the depth and size of this type of dissertation is much higher than the ordinary dissertation. Though the basic of writing the dissertation are same but you need to go deeper in your research for making a successful doctoral dissertation.
Doctoral dissertation is necessary for doing PhD and the depth and size of this type of dissertation is much higher than the ordinary dissertation. Though the basic of writing the dissertation are same but you need to go deeper in your research for making a successful doctoral dissertation. Some of the necessary steps for making a dissertation paper are as follows-
1) Planning of research- In the doctoral research, the researcher must first of all fix up and determine all the details; otherwise the research will not be successful. In as much as the research is made to test some hypothesis, it is not necessary to attend all the factors or causes operative in a situation. Therefore, he should know before hand the factors and causes which pertain to his hypothesis and should investigate these only. The entire situation which is the object of an observation should be broken up into small coherent units and these should be studied one by one. These economize time and also aid precise research work.
2) Formulation of hypothesis- As has been made clear earlier, in the research work, before the start of actual field work a hypothesis is formulated on the basis of uncontrolled variable. It is for the sake of verification of this hypothesis that the whole research work is undertaken.
3) Determination of investigators- For actual field work the research usually requires a team of trained persons. In certain cases we have to enlist the help of experts from different disciplines. For example, the study of the effect of climate on social behavior would require the help of expert physiologist and ecologist. Again to study the effect of vegetarianism on social behavior we shall have to enlist the help of medical experts. Moreover, certain situations are studied better by a single researcher while in others we must use a team.
4) Provisions of mechanical appliances used- Now various mechanical aids to research are the photo camera, movie camera, tape recorder etc. The various schedules, graphs and scales required for research should also be arranged before hand. The research worker must be well trained to make use of the mechanical aids.
5) Sampling technique and collection of data- Different types of sampling techniques are available and according to the category of universe you have to select the most appropriate sampling technique. Once the sampling technique is selected the next step in research work is to collect data from these samples.
6) Analytical tools to be used- In doctoral research work much emphasis is given on the analysis of the collected data. You need to use most suitable analytical technique to analyze the data and arrive at a valid and reliable conclusion. This part of the whole research work is most demanding and you may need to outside help for doing this.
After the analysis being done you will get the conclusion and then you should write the whole process in an appropriate manner using correct language to complete your doctoral dissertation work.

Article Source : dissertation _12109.aspx

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PayelDis is an academic writer who provides useful information about custom dissertation and doctoral dissertation .

Keywords : Doctoral dissertation, dissertation paper, dissertation ,

Category : Writing and Speaking : Article Writing

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