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How is each Pregnancy stage different?

Posted On : Nov-09-2011 | seen (402) times | Article Word Count : 489 |

To have a safe delivery and a healthy baby, it is necessary that proper care and attention should be given to the pregnant women. In addition to these, a complete balanced diet and regular check-ups with the doctor are mandatory.
Pregnancy is one of the most important phases of a woman’s life. Nine months and then a bundle of joy is true happiness. This pleasure needs to be nurtured very well. To keep a pace on the pregnancy stages, some women keep a ‘pregnancy journal’. The commonest symptom is missing of a period. Occasionally one may have spotting at the time one would have expected the period. Some of the other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, fatigue, and tiredness. On examination the doctor may notice a enlarged uterus which can be felt through the abdomen only when more than 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Common problems in pregnancy

Some of the common problems that pregnant women face during pregnancy are nausea, vomiting and heartburn. One should avoid fried and spicy foods and maintain good hydration. It is also advised to take doxylamine and vitamin B -6 that are effective in preventing and controlling the symptoms. Ondansetron has also been used effectively. One may also have loss of appetite and very peculiarly have complete aversion to sight of some foods. Constipation is also a common problem. It can lead to piles and unnecessary blood loss during pregnancy. Increasing fluid and fibre intake, and stool softeners can help tide over the situation.

The three trimesters of pregnancy

Pregnancy is segregated into three different stages that are also called as the trimesters of pregnancy. The pregnancy stages are mentioned below:

1. The first trimester

The first stage is starts from the time of conception to the 12 weeks. The common symptoms during this time are nausea, vomiting, and heartburn, which can be easily treated. At this stage the common problem is a miscarriage i.e. pregnancy loss. This will be indicated as abnormal vaginal bleeding per vaginum and may be associated with pain. It is diagnosed on ultrasound examination.

2. The second trimester

This stage lasts from 12 weeks to 28 weeks. By this time the nausea and vomiting subside and the risk of miscarriage also gets reduced. The formation of the major organs of the fetus is completed by 20 weeks and after that it increases in size.

3. The third trimester

This stage starts from the 28th week to the 40th week. At this time many important medical issues may arise. One may develop anemia, high blood pressure and gestational diabetes that can have implications on the health of both the mother and the fetus. At this time, one may go into preterm labor. There is also a risk of bleeding during this time because of the two reasons that are abruption and placenta previa.


This may start any time after 37 weeks. In fact most women will deliver before the due date. Only a small percentage actually delivers on the due date and a few will go beyond the date.

Article Source : is each Pregnancy stage different?_101981.aspx

Author Resource :
Cryobanks International India, accreted by AABB Accreditation and recently awarded with the most prestigious business award of the world THE BIZZ 2010 is a joint venture between
diet during pregnancy
USA and RJ Corp founded in 2006. Cryobanks International is a leader in the collection, processing and banking of pregnancy stages.

Keywords : pregnancy, pregnancy stages, pregnancy care , pregnancy tips,

Category : Health and Fitness : Women's Issues

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