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Just make some changes in lifestyle and lose weight without dieting

Posted On : Jan-10-2011 | seen (308) times | Article Word Count : 665 |

Some researcher feel that obesity is not only because of overeating but it might be happened due to stress problems. So if you want to keep yourself away from obesity, then it would be better for you to avoid stress because stress might be one of the reasons of obesity.
These days, two things are very common in people across the globe, one is baldness and another is obesity. For getting out of these two problems, people are trying several ways but only those treatments or remedies would be effective which have been given after assessing the cause of obesity. However, there would many causes of obesity but people have simply assumed that overeating is one of the main reasons of obesity.

Undoubtedly, you have lose weight very rapidly because there are several number of fad diets, which work amazingly in decreasing your weight without remaining hungry and deprived. Some researcher feel that obesity is not only because of overeating but it might be happened due to stress problems. So if you want to keep yourself away from obesity, then it would be better for you to avoid causes of stress because stress might be one of the reasons of obesity.

It is also found that the people who have lost their weight rapidly there is great chance that they may gain it again so it is better for you to keep patience while losing weight because if you lose your weight without dieting slowly, then there is no chance that the you will regain it. And many experts also feel that can lose your weight without dieting so instead, the key is making simple tweaks to your lifestyle.

In an exerts calculation one pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories so if you are cutting 500 calories a day, then in a week you can lose about one pound of fat from your body but you just want to keep yourself maintain whatever weight you have then you have to shave just 100 calories per day to avoid the extra 1-2 pounds most adults gain each year.

Some of the important tips for losing weight without dieting and avoiding obesity, which are as follow:

1. Take breakfast daily: If you have recently lost your weight without dieting and want to keep it continue or you wish to lose weight then do not forget to take breakfast every day. Many people think that avoiding breakfast is the perfect way to lose weight then they are mistaking because after avoiding breakfast people commonly take more food because of hungriness. So always take breakfast daily on timer.

2. Avoid late night eating: In order to maintain good figure and losing weight without dieting, must avoid eating late night because some people have develop habit of eating late night while watching TV while watching television. "Have a cup of tea, imbibe on a piece of fruit like organ it will help you getting more energy in light food.

3. Make a habit of taking more liquid: Make a habit of taking more liquid and food which is full of fiber because help in digestion and also help avoiding obesity, lose weight with dieting. It would be better for you to satisfy your thirst with water, sparkling water with citrus, skim or low-fat milk, or small portions of 100% fruit juice. Also take a glass of nutritious and low-calorie vegetable juice to hold you over if you get hungry between meals.

4. Always eat fatless food and fruits: Instead of taking fatty food, you must always eat fruit and other kind of food which so not have calories because if you want to avoid obesity, stress problem and lose weight, then it must for you to say good bye to fatty food stuff because these are main responsible factor for increasing weight and stress problems as well.

5. Go for the grain: Increase the quantity of grain because by substituting whole grains for refined grains including white bread, cakes, cookies, and pretzels, you put in much-needed fiber and will meet faster so you're more likely to eat a logical portion. Always go with whole-wheat breads and pastas, brown rice, bran flakes, popcorn, and whole-rye crackers because these are more helpful; for your health.

Article Source : make some changes in lifestyle and lose weight without dieting_47982.aspx

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