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Motorcycle Accident attorney

Posted On : Sep-18-2011 | seen (225) times | Article Word Count : 411 |

Scranton motorcycle accident cases are complex, confusing-Causes, liable parties, keys to successful legal claim-Call our Scranton motorcycle accident lawyers
The majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by the driver of another vehicle and not the biker. For obvious reasons an accident involving a motorcycle tends to produce the most serious injuries and even wrongful death. In fact statistics indicate that when a motorcycle and car are involved in an accident the driver of the motorcycle is twenty times more likely to be killed than the driver of the car. Motorcycles on our roadways are nothing new, and the driver of an automobile has the responsibility of looking out for bicyclists, pedestrians and motorcycles. A shocking statistic points to the fact that close to 80% of all motor vehicle accidents last year alone can be attributed to distracted driving, the majority of which resulted from cell phone use and texting while driving. That is a scary prospect for the motorcycle rider, as a distracted driver can easily miss seeing them in their peripheral vision. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact motorcycle accident lawyers immediately after seeking medical care for your injuries. There are critical steps they need to take quickly in order to build a solid case against those responsible for your injuries.

What is even more shocking is that distracted driving is reported to kill 3 times more people than drunk drivers as of late. There are many possible causes for an accident involving a motorbike. These can include road hazards and dangerous roads, poor weather conditions, manufacturer defects or parts defects, but the number one reason a motorcycle car accident occurs is due to the failure of the driver of the motor vehicle to recognize a biker in traffic. All of these frightening statistics do nothing to help the victim and their family of a Scranton motorcycle accident. The shock and emotional trauma of life changing injuries can be overwhelming, not to mention the physical and financial costs. motorcycle accident lawyers have helped many families overcome these obstacles and they can help you.

There are close to 330,000 motorcycles registered in the state of Pennsylvania. Often times a personal injury claim surrounding these types of accidents can be quite complex with numerous liable parties. An injured victim needs an ally on their side who will fight to protect their rights. Call Scranton motorcycle accident lawyers today for a free case review. They will review the evidence in your case and recommend a legal course of action to fit your specific needs.

Article Source : Accident attorney_83009.aspx

Author Resource :
The Elite Lawyer Project personal injury lawyers have extensive experience in helping victims of a personal injury accident.Call 877-382-1188 today to speak to our personal injury associates for a free case review.

Keywords : Scranton motorcycle accident, Scranton motorcycle accident lawyer, Scranton motorcycle accident attorney, Scranton motorcycle,

Category : Reference and Education : Legal

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