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Reducing Home Energy Usage: Using a Home Energy Monitor

Posted On : Jun-10-2010 | seen (511) times | Article Word Count : 544 |

Most people do not know or follow how much energy their homes consume on an average day. The fact is that most of us just use our various utilities and do not pay attention to the consequences.
Most people do not know or follow how much energy their homes consume on an average day. The fact is that most of us just use our various utilities and do not pay attention to the consequences. Not only is this an expensive habit but it also has a negative impact on the size of a household’s carbon footprint, which many people feel obliged to cut down. If we closely monitored how much energy we use each day, whether it is gas or electricity, we would be surprised at the amount of waste we indulge in. Whenever we leave a light on or any other electrical appliance on for longer than we need, it is an automatic waste of energy.

Whenever we cook and turn on the gas and leave it burning for no reason, it is gas wasted for no reason and we end up with a higher gas price that we otherwise would have done. Needless to say it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that all we need to do is pay just a little attention to our usage and we could reduce the amount of energy that is being needlessly used. Most of us do not stop and think where we get our energy from and how it is produced. The majority of electricity is produced by burning coal, gas turbines or by tapping nuclear energy. There are other sources such as hydro electric and wind turbine, but they only produce a fraction of electricity needed.

The problem with coal power is that coal is burnt and this is not the most environmentally clean way to get energy. Whenever coal is burnt it sends carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. Gas turbine energy makes use of diesel fuel which is almost as harmful. Atomic or nuclear is a clean source in the short term but in the long term it is arguably a harmful substitute. Now the question is; how can we decrease our energy usage and become more socially responsible? For starters there are many ways to do it, the easiest is almost certainly to be more careful with our usage.

Nowadays there are many manufacturers that make clever little gadgets to help us monitor our daily usage of gas and electriciy. One such gadget is the home energy monitor. Home energy monitors are capable of monitoring your usage in real time. This means at any given time you will be able to see what your actual usage is. Research has shown that people could reduce as much as twenty five percent of their energy use if they were able to monitor how much they are using. This is because when we use an energy monitor we will make necessary adjustments during the course of the day.

This kind of reduction in energy usage is huge. If each person were to use an energy monitor, our collective carbon footprint could be greatly reduced. Indeed in some countries it has become the law to use such devices in people’s homes. The fact is that our energy reserves are depleting at a very fast rate and we need to start doing something now to help make the environment a safer place.

Article Source : Home Energy Usage: Using a Home Energy Monitor _21714.aspx

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The author regularly writes on the topic of gas prices for both this and a number of other websites.

Keywords : home energy,

Category : Home and Family : Home and Family

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