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Tom Howarth has 17 Published Articles

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Stop Smoking with Champix Varenicline

Posted On : Oct-17-2011 | seen (311) times | Article Word Count : 527 |

Trying hard to quit smoking but are unable to do so? Champix varenicline can be your ticket to a smoke-free, healthy life. Learn more about the benefits of this smoking cessation medicine.
Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics and death worldwide. Despite this knowledge, people struggle to call it a day and merrily continue with their intoxicating dates with death. If you are one of those many people who cannot quit despite leaving no stone unturned, smoking cessation treatment with Champix varenicline can show you a way how to quit smoking and embrace a life without coughs and bad breath.

Champix is a prescription smoking cessation medication for people aged over 16. A recent study has revealed that a 12-week course of this medication can help 44 out of 100 smokers butt out permanently. The study reports that Champix pill can be taken for more than 12 weeks if needed, which can only better the quit rates. It is clear from this research that other smoking cessation methods such as nicotine replacement therapies are far less effective in producing the desired results.

Varenicline tartrate, the active ingredient in Champix, is believed to work in two ways to help a regular smoker part with the deadly nicotine addiction. It is basically a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonist, meaning that it works the same way on the nicotine receptors in the brain as nicotine does. Let's have a look at how it can help you stop smoking for good.

Varenicline can prevent nicotine from stimulating the nicotine receptors in the brain. It helps lower the rewarding effects of nicotine that a smoker enjoys after smoking a cigarette. In effect, you do not get any pleasure out of smoking and it becomes easier for you to let go off the habit of smoking.

The active ingredient of this quit smoking medication also helps in relieving the withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. A vast majority of smokers fail to stay quit for a long time because of nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, anxiety, and increased craving for nicotine. These withdrawal symptoms are caused mainly by excessive dependency on nicotine over a long period of time. To let Champix work for you, you must understand that these withdrawal symptoms can be extremely agitating and stressful, but temporary. With a little bit of resolve on your part and external aids, you can surely bid adieu to cigarettes.

To get the best results from Champix, you should set a quit date for yourself and start taking this medicine at least a week ahead of the quit date. Try to involve some of your friends and family members in your quit smoking plan. This will help you stick to your plan and execute it without fail. The main benefit of starting with varenicline before quitting is that it helps the body adjust to the absence of nicotine quickly.

Any successful smoking cessation treatment is result-oriented. The good news is that with Champix pill, the risk of side effects is low. The most common side effects include nausea, sleeping problems, and headache. For some days you may experience change in taste and dry mouth, but worry not, these side effects are not harmful and are likely to go away on their own.

Article Source : Smoking with Champix Varenicline_93163.aspx

Author Resource :
Tom is one of the good article writers having much experience in writing health articles. He has written many articles on Champix Varenicline for Smoking Cessation Treatment.

Keywords : smoking cessation treatment, quit smoking treatment, champix, varenicline,

Category : Health and Fitness : Medicine

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