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The Purpose of my Web Site

Posted On : May-16-2011 | seen (257) times | Article Word Count : 628 |

A good website designer will always concentrate on getting the best visitor conversion rate (visitor – to –customer) from your web site design.
The Purpose of my Web Site - Things to consider when undertaking website Design

Most of the businesses know the purpose of their website, the products it advertises as it becomes second nature to them. This however is not known to the first time visitor to your website. Thus it is important that you website design tells them straight away what you do.

The first thing a new visitor to your website should see is what they need to know and nothing else. You can talk about how good you are but there is no point if they can’t find what your services or products are. You can provide this information through your website design by directly telling them or using images to portray the same.

Importance of Page Title in Website Design

Most of the organisations use page title to tell you who they are. Most of the people can find that out straight away looking at your logo. Instead a good website designer will always use the website title to highlight your products or services or expertise.

Its not just website design where the page title is important, it is also very useful for search engines as they put a high importance on the page title. They are also useful for users using alternate web browsers like text readers for visually impaired visitors.

Importance of punchline in your Website Design

A good punchline is a very important feature of any website. A good tagline should explain who you exactly are and what do you exactly do. Eg. Website Designs that stand out.

Your punchline will give instant understanding to your users about who you are and what you do. This can help users who come to your internal pages as they can get an overview of your services through you tag line.

Needless to say that a good punch line can also help you get a good position in Search Engines.

Welcome Paragraph in your web site design

The first thing that visitors read on your website when it comes to text is the main paragraph. When writing text for your web design, make sure that your opening paragraph is short, succinct and to the point.

The main paragraph should not tell the story of your life, instead it should tell visitors exactly what you offer and the main benefits of those offerings. Many people when developing a web site design and website development falter at that point as they try to tell a long story and end up boring he customer.

Benefits versus Products

A lot of people talk about benefits offered by them instead of informing about the products. In my opinion a good website design strikes a balance between products and benefits as you have to cater for all types of audience. So consider what you offer. If you think that the visitors to your websites know about your products as you could be in a much specialised industry, it would be beneficial to talk more about benefits than the product and how your product delivers more benefits than your competitor.

Understand what you need from your web site design

It is important that you maximise your opportunities and conversion rate. A good website designer will always concentrate on getting the best visitor conversion rate (visitor – to –customer) from your web site design. Your best bet is to provide as much information as possible in minimum words. People are fast becoming impatient with websites and it is important that your understand that before you get onto the exciting path of web site design or web site development

Article Source : Purpose of my Web Site_62244.aspx

Author Resource :
Sigma InfoTech an Australian based Website design, Website Development firm specialising in Web Design, graphic design, Software Development, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation helps to remain high in the search engines and with it any of the sites can achieve the desired goal of influencing profits.

Keywords : Design, Web Design, Website Design, Web Designer, Website Designer, Web Design Sydney, Web Page Design, Web Development, Webs,

Category : Internet Business : Web Design

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