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Tips and Advices in Dog Training for Beginners

Posted On : Nov-02-2010 | seen (542) times | Article Word Count : 463 |

Congratulations on the new addition to the family! You have made the important decision to own and love a new dog.
Congratulations on the new addition to the family! You have made the important decision to own and love a new dog. The next and most important step is to learn how to care for it properly. There are many basic things to do in order for your dog to survive and stay healthy, such as feeding, walking, and periodical visits to the veterinarian. They need love and companionship, as well as seemingly endless attention.

A very important aspect of dog ownership is training. It is vital that your dog comes when you call him, or sit when asked. Like a child, a new dog may need some guidance and assistance with learning new rules and commands. They require repetition and feedback, as well as praise and love, to learn proper dog etiquette. Here are some simple dog training guidelines that may help you on your way.

Begin with simple commands. They are easy for your dog to learn, allowing him or her to feel more confident and to gain some trust in you, the owner. Teach sit, down, come and stay first. Be sure to use treats as rewards, as it is always easier to learn something when there is an incentive.

House training is also very important thing for your dog to learn because very dog needs to know where to eliminate or else your home will become soiled and unwelcoming. However you house train, be consistent and do not yell. A dog does not understand what he has done unless pointed out immediately. If an accident occurs while you are away, do not come home and expect your dog to understand why you are frustrated with it, as anger will never make your dog feel safe. Remain committed to house training, as it is so important! Talk with a trainer if you have difficulties. They are there to help.

Another behavior to control is chewing. Dogs instinctively chew things because it is part of their nature. Sticks and bones make wonderful objects to play with and they are also a good way for your dog to release any anxious tendencies or nervous feelings. If your dog begins to chew furniture or other household objects, be sure to provide the proper training to stop it quickly or else boundaries will be confused and your kitchen table with turn into a candlestick!

Barking is yet another behavior that must be controlled. Barking is like talking; therefore it is very important to your dog. But take care to help your dog know when it is appropriate and when it is just loud.

With consistent effort, patience, and love your dog will become a well-mannered member of your family in no time. Good luck.

Article Source : and Advices in Dog Training for Beginners_40267.aspx

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Learn the greatest puppy and dog training secrets in the world. Get expert dog obedience training tips and tricks from our trainers. Potty train your puppy without any hassle, training your dog was never so easy.

Keywords : training your dog, dog crate training, potty train puppy, potty train dog, potty train dog, potty train dog,

Category : Home and Family : Pets

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