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Two And A Half Men ‘What A Lovely Landing Strip’ Review

Posted On : Dec-12-2011 | seen (2265) times | Article Word Count : 377 |

Walden was the center of this particular episode of Two and a Half Men, and the action focused on his relationships, and especially his divorce from Bridget. However, Bridget seemed in the end to be the one not willing to really end things, much to Walden’s confusion.
Walden was the center of this particular episode of Two and a Half Men, and the action focused on his relationships, and especially his divorce from Bridget. However, Bridget seemed in the end to be the one not willing to really end things, much to Walden’s confusion.

Walden seems to play all the right cards when going out with Zoe that is before Bridget comes into the scene. The man attempts to make things really special when he asks Zoe out, especially since their first encounter went so well. But, what Zoe expected to be only a trip to a Mexican restaurant and a nice quiet evening transforms into something bigger. Dressed up to the occasion – meaning nothing else but putting on some sombreros – the two fly in Walden’s private jet to Guadalajara. Walden lets Zoe know that he managed to arrange things for her daughter so that the girl gets accepted in the private school Zoe wanted to enlist her kid. More than impressed, Zoe ends up making love to Walden, while flying 10,000 miles above the ground.

Things seemed to be going well, but Bridget makes quite an appearance, saying Walden she no longer wants a divorce. Walden is visibly torn between the love of his life, and the new attraction he feels for Zoe, so he wants to ask Alan and Jake what to do. Because they do not want to end up on the streets because of Bridget, they advise Walden to choose Zoe. Bridget does not take things easy, and she droves her car into the house, causing more than just a simple ruckus. The chaos does not here though, as Rose comes to the scene and decides to help Bridget in her quest of getting back together with Walden.

The show has a lot to prove, seeing all the changes that took place recently. Walden even succeeded to sound like Charlie, and Bridget was one hair away from becoming as crazy as Rose. Obviously, the last episode of Two and a Half Men had its funny moments, so things may not be over yet. Rose can be a make or break bet for the show, but, so far, the sitcom seems to be getting better.

Article Source : And A Half Men ‘What A Lovely Landing Strip’ Review_117708.aspx

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