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Assisted Living

Posted On : Mar-26-2011 | seen (440) times | Article Word Count : 549 |

Assisted living is required by most of the seniors today. The change in family structure has made the previously children dependent seniors to look for alternatove independent living solutions.
“Assisted living” is the need of the hour in today’s day and age. The dwindling family structure of the past which had the young take care of their ageing parents in India , is no more a story of every house. The nuclear family concept, mobile global workforce, urbanization and changing needs and perceptions of the society have all contributed to this need for senior citizens today.

As a concept “Assisted Living” marks a great turnaround from family based living to an independent living within a community of like-minded people. This concept although a possible emotional issue to talk about in an Indian – family set up, is still a pretty viable solution for senior living when you look at the other possible solutions. Once the challenge of emotions is overcome and all possible outcomes are discussed – “assisted living” may turn out to be a blessing in disguise not only for retired people but also some other aged but not so old folks.

Well why not .The concept provides security, support, shelter, food and hygiene at a cost that is fairly nominal as opposed to buying your own place and living on your own , and all without taking the headache of managing all the chores on your own.

Besides the social reasons, one of the major reasons for popularity of these “Retirement Homes” (as these have commonly come to be known as due to its popularity with retired folks) has also been the very fact that the advantages such dwelling units carry in form of facilities, provisions for care for elderly, security and costs are unmatched in usual living in India.

Let’s discuss each of these advantages in details:

Facilities: In a country like India, where having basic facilities like electric breakup or repair and maintenance of a house is a task in itself and requires much more than financial resources having an independent unit with all things taken care of is a great relief for retired personnel. Moreover with additional facilities for recreation, housekeeping and dinning, it reduces the individual onus for day to day chores tremendously.

Provisions for care: One of the main reasons for elderly in India to seek living with children was to have someone take care of them in times of illness. The provisions for care provided for the elderly in these community houses with doctors on call, associations with hospitals, available care at premise have all lessened the concerns of senior people.

Security: One of the biggest concerns for senior people living on their own is security. The growing crime in cities always makes elderly living alone very susceptible to crime related incidents. The retirement homes are gated communities made with full security outside and inside which resonated well with elderly folks and makes them feel safe and secure.

Costs: As costs are very important to retired people, an overall living solution that is provided at nominal costs resonated well with them. With a comparatively low upfront cost as opposed to buying an independent apartment or house, a low monthly cost along with a variable cost component that allows one to personalize things to their like – all this together makes these retirement homes a very lucrative option.

Article Source : Living_57253.aspx

Author Resource :
While the advantages of Independent living homes for seniors have been discussed above, one of the biggest challenge would be acceptance of this new form of living from masses in large. The overly dependent parent-children relationship in India will have to overcome a great emotional hurdle before the acceptance of assisted living for elderly becomes second nature. For More Information Visit : Retirement Homes,

Keywords : assisted living, retirement homes, care for elderly,

Category : Business : Business

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