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Cost-Effective Ways to Market your Business for the DIY Digital Age

Posted On : Feb-03-2012 | seen (627) times | Article Word Count : 480 |

The recession has meant that companies now need to market themselves harder than ever in order to compete in this tough economic climate.
The recession has meant that companies now need to market themselves harder than ever in order to compete in this tough economic climate. Tighter budgetary constraints are forcing companies, large scale and small scale, to think more creatively about their marketing strategies. The rise of the internet and social media platforms, alongside advances in digital technology, have opened up innovative new ways for companies to market their products. Never before have businesses been able to market their brands and products to a global market, instantly, without increasing their costs. We’ll show you how.


The internet has helped to open up the world of commerce. Not only does this provide your company with a truly global market to sell to directly, it makes it easier than ever before to do business with other companies. specialises in the production of personalised lanyards and customisable labels, wristbands and ID cards. Everything you might need to, well, label yourself. Personalised products like branded t-shirts and lanyards all help to increase your brand’s visibility. Collaborating with online companies like, you can work together to create unique products such as lanyards for use at trade fairs and expos, that will help promote your product and strengthen your brand’s presence, at a more affordable cost.

Get Visual

Increasingly, information is being shared online in a more visual way. From Youtube to Flickr to Facebook, consumers pay more attention to information when it’s in a visual format. Tablets, touchscreens and smartphones are all about visuals, and sales of these new digital gadgets are only set to rise. You might want to consider adding short video presentations to your company blog or setting up a Youtube channel to keep your customers up to speed with video updates. And you don’t need to create videos to get your point across. Infographics are an even simpler visual format that allow you to convey complex information with simple, easy to follow pictures.


This social media platform may be the buzzword to end all buzzwords, but with more than 300 million active users, it simply can’t be ignored. Creating a Facebook Business Fan Page is simple, fast, and provides you with a great new way to interact with your customers. You’ll improve your business’ web presence, show consumers that you’re a modern brand up to speed with the latest media platforms, and it’s an incredibly effective way to get feedback directly from your customers.


If your business doesn’t have an official Twitter account yet, you’re lagging way behind. It’s another great way to show consumers that you’re a forward-thinking business that’s interested in what they have to say. Share updates about your business products, ask for customer feedback, and communicate in a more interactive way with your customers than ever before – and it won’t cost you a thing.

Article Source : Ways to Market your Business for the DIY Digital Age_143651.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article has expertise in clothing labels. The articles on lanyards reveals the author’s knowledge on the same.

Keywords : lanyards, label yourself, clothing labels,

Category : Fashion : Fashion

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