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Fineco Worldwide – Greek Tragedy Or Comedy Of Errors?

Posted On : Sep-05-2011 | seen (247) times | Article Word Count : 403 |

“Fineco Worldwide”: Greek bail-out in jeopardy as eurozone members demand Finnish-style sweetener.
“Fineco Worldwide”: The second rescue package for Greece, inked as recently as July, may be close to unraveling as several eurozone members continue to express an interest in striking deals similar to that between Finland and Greece in which the latter lodged €500m in an escrow account as collateral for the former’s share of the bail-out.

“This would be laughable if it wasn’t so dead-serious,” said an analyst at “Fineco Worldwide”. “The The Netherlands, Austria, Slovenia and Slovakia have decided that they want a Greek-funded escrow account too.”

“This kind of disunity between the EU members is perfectly capable of reversing the progress made and plunging the entire zone back into the turmoil that saw borrowing costs for core nations, Spain and Italy, hiked by so-called ‘bond vigilantes’ who believe that debt levels in both countries are unsustainable given their economic outlook,” added the analyst.

“Fineco Worldwide” believes that some European banks are likely to fail if the four countries seeking to pursue bilateral agreements with Greece decide to press the issue. The firm said that the following days would be a test of the bonds that supposedly hold the European Union together.

The odds of this type of cyclical recession are small. It is the debt issues in Europe and their effect on European bank balance sheets that is the problem. European banks hold of sovereign debt, if that debt gets restructured, weak banks will take losses and become weaker, maybe to the point that they have to raise cash on the open market.

“Petty bickering over escrow accounts and the like doesn’t project the image of a unified trading bloc, does it?” asked the analyst.


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Article Source : Worldwide – Greek Tragedy Or Comedy Of Errors? _79699.aspx

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Keywords : Fineco Worldwide, FinecoWorldwide, Fineco,

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